Astrology Forecast for August 3 - 9, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for August 3 - 9, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Agosto 3, 2014
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Hi everyone! This is it! We are at the home stretch of our three-week-long marathon against negativity, serious cosmic heaviness, and not to mention - chaos!

Thank God we still have the help of Jupiter in Leo this week conjunct with the Sun and Mercury, which is a great opportunity for growth.

As we mentioned in the beginning of the astrological year (April and Aries), this year seemed filled with tension, conflicts, and many difficulties. First Ukraine, and now the Middle East is blowing up; however, according to the wisdom of the kabbalists, with the right elevated consciousness, we can hopefully do much damage control for the current situation.

Many astrological events need to be discussed this week:

First of all, this week’s chart is split and divided; half water and half fire, with the moon in Libra as the seed level of the week. It seems none of us is capable right now of making the right decision, and we are painstakingly trying to blow steam!

Saturn and Mars are getting closer together, both in the astrological house of Scorpio…. Emotionally, this isn't sounding like a picnic!

But the main cosmic event this week is the 9th day of the lunar month of Leo, the month of Av, called Tisha B’Av in Hebrew.

Kabbalistically, this is THE most challenging day of the year! Wherever you are in the world, its energy will enter on MONDAY, AUGUST 4 AT DUSK and stay until the next day at nightfall.

We need a very specific awareness for that day, in addition to extreme caution for this entire week (no scuba diving, Amazonian forest visits, or Jurassic Park dinosaur huntings…)!

So, where is the difficulty? What cosmic challenge are we facing?

The kabbalists, in their infinite wisdom, explain a very important concept: that we cannot have the "perfect" life! But what does that mean; how come? What’s wrong with “perfect?”

First of all, newsflash: our world isn't a perfect world!! It is a work in progress and it happens to be OUR spiritual job to fix it, better it, and correct ourselves in the process. Many problems start popping up when we decide that everything’s got to be perfect - my relationship, my job, my family, my environment, the event I am planning, my nails, my dress… it ALL has to be perfect .

Oh dear, this is usually when all hell breaks loose.

But perfect does not sound like a bad idea; why can’t everything work easily and smoothly, just the way WE want it to?

Here is the catch: when we are so busy making everything sooooo perfect, we miss something really important in our lives - PEOPLE.

When we think about it, everything in our lives is, in fact, all about people and relationships!

Our life starts with our parents, then our siblings, then peers at school,then colleagues, then partners in life, etc. Our entire life is ALL about mending relationships, and that’s far more important than having the perfect environment, event, or job, which kabbalistically is very much a utopia anyway.

It says that the great Temple, the source of all Light for mankind,was destroyed on the 9th day of the lunar month of Leo because of a very small incident between two families; when we look for perfection and not reconciliation, everything, literally, starts snowballing into chaos of biblical proportions!

How many of us have stories of our families, in-laws’ families , coworkers, exes … most of us do! But there is a line we should never cross: in Kabbalah, everything can be sacrified for the sake of people, and especially for our EGOS, pride, and the "I AM RIGHT" we all have!

Since the element of water is so predominant in this week’s chart, it is precisely the moment we need to decide to delete ALL the bad memories and negative history with people in our life’s movie; and clearly, some people have hurt us badly in the past. But, why the water connection? Because water has all the memory of the zodiac.

I personally remember a story with our beloved late teacher, Rav Berg. A student who survivied the Holocaust as a child came to talk to the Rav one day. He asked the Rav: "We are taught here to forgive; but how can I? All my family was destroyed!" The Rav looked at him with great compassion, then said: "They destroyed your past; are you going to allow them to destroy your future?" This scene had a great impact on my personal understanding of spirituality.

Now is the perfect time for introspection, sending forgiveness notes, and being more open and patient to others. The Moon is in Libra at the seed of this week, allowing us to take a look at both sides of the coin. That’s why everything cannot be perfect: there are always two sides… not only MY side!

This week, we get the energy to look deeply into many not-so-easy things (hence the Scorpio strong energy), decide to let them go, and be comforted and consoled by the cosmic energies for the pain we have endured. Chiron the healer, in Pisces, is right at the chart’s ascendant, and will greatly help us wash away all the negativity and hurt we have felt.

This week, it's recommended to seek humility and kindness, so that all the judgments of the past are sweetened and the current world chaos finally comes to an end… we save the world one soul at the time!

Have a very comforting and loving week!


