Astrology Forecast for December 7-13, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for December 7-13, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Diciembre 7, 2014
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Hi Everyone! I hope you guys have implemented all the golden rules of confrontation we talked about in last week's cosmic message!

As the month of Sagittarius unfolds, many unbelievable insights are delivered by the cosmos right to our doors. This week is no exception!

As we gaze into the constellations, we first notice the incredible amount of planets placed in mutable signs. In the kabbalistic system, mutable signs are considered to move very, very fast intellectually and even physically. Right now, the cosmos is all fidgety with the incredibly strong energies of Sagittarius and Gemini.

At the start of the week, the moon is placed in Gemini, along with the chart’s rising sign. Four planets are in Sagittarius and three are still in Pisces (Pisces happens to also be a mutable sign). Finally, Mars entered the sign of Aquarius last week, the rebel of the zodiac.

So much for a quiet cosmos! It all feels like one big wave!

Our first very important message this week is about "spiritual lightness." Now, what does THAT mean? Lightness is our ability to move forward quickly, to not be swayed by difficulties, to continue our journey no matter what.

Lightness is a quality we often lack for all kinds of reasons–because we are trying to make a point, because we don’t really want to change, or simply because we find ourselves stuck on certain things that have happened in our lives and that we still cannot make sense of.

One of the beautiful things about the wisdom of Kabbalah is that it will increase our ability to simply say, “Okay, I am just going to say NEXT!” When we think about it, there are very few things we can control; we cannot control the weather, the economy, our neighbors, our friends. What can WE control?

The answer is, just me.

This week, the cosmos is giving us a great gift–an opportunity to simply go past our heavy feelings, old grudges, or simply, the lack of movement in our lives.

How can we practically do it?

1) Simply use the word NEXT as a mantra!

2) Remember the cosmos is pushing us FORWARD, not backwards!

Let's stop and think for a moment: LIFE IS MOVEMENT! The absence of movement is really what makes us age. The secret of being truly alive and always youthful is to be in forward motion. And that’s a really great feeling! Think about it, when are we at our happiest? When we create, when we have a vision of where we want to be, in short, when we are moving!

Rav Berg explained that the most faithful cosmic servants are the planets. They always do their jobs, no planet ever goes on a strike or has a crisis and decides to stop revolving around the Sun! So, these marvelous celestial bodies constantly carry amazing messages.

This week, it's all about realizing how often we choose the path of least resistance or we just maintain things in our lives. So many of us say, “I am in a good place right now, I worked hard… I don’t want to change anymore…” Oh boy, this is the perfect recipe for aging!

Life is a journey, the destination is revealing as much Light as we can on the way.

So, our mission for this week, is:

1) To get ourselves moving faster. We must dare to do things we really don't want to do right now.

2) Dream big! Get inspired! Visualize what could be and start working on it!

3) When we do get stuck, our mantra is: NEXT!

We will need a good box of vitamins, but it’s all worth it! To be continued...

Have a great, bright week Everyone!


