Astrology Forecast for June 30 - July 6, 2013

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Astrology Forecast for June 30 - July 6, 2013

Yael Yardeni
Julio 1, 2013
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Hi everyone! Another amazing week awaits us! Let's gaze at the stars and take note of our opportunities.

This week, the chart is very chameleon-like; there are many different energies present, as we are at the tail end of the lunar month of Cancer and next Sunday is Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon of Leo. The fire and air energies of the chart are dominant and very noticeable and the rising of the world's chart is Aquarius. We start the week with a moon in Aries and during the week the moon will get closer to Uranus (the revolutionary) in Aries.

Oh dear, we are in for a mini cosmic revolution!

Jupiter ended its cycle in Gemini and just entered Cancer, its sign of expansion. Jupiter is actually very close to the sun right now, which is an excellent opportunity for everyone to GROW exponentially. This has particular influence on Cancerian signs. And just in time after the very difficult weeks they've been through! This coming cosmic year will indeed be a great year of expansion for all Cancerians. What do we make of all that?

The portion and energy of this week is called Matot-Masei. It narrates in great detail all the different stops the Israelites make in the desert. We get the names of the places, the length of their stay, etc. All together, they were relocated 42 times before their final destination.

The Zohar actually explains that the Israelites never knew in advance where or how long they had to stay in one place. It could have been two days, two months, or two years. They would wait for the "clouds of glory," a great light, to start moving. Then they would be on the road again. Yes, I know… it sounds like a Sci-Fi movie.

And now the million-dollar question: how many of us—even the most adventurous or bohemian—would be comfortable being relocated 42 times, never knowing how long we would stay in one place?

Have you ever heard the saying, “The good is the enemy of the great?” We are trained to think that when a great relationship, job, or city comes our way, we should maintain it and never change. There are many great cosmic lessons this week, but the biggest of all, is that happiness is in the movement, not in the stillness.

The chart of this week is about changes, revolutions, and most importantly, letting go of our fears. A very strong Aquarius energy, Uranus, the Reformer, being so close to the moon, and Jupiter the Expander in his sign of exaltation—all these facts converge to help us get unstuck, to free ourselves from our own limitations. The chameleon energies of the week are here to show us that happiness has many colors and many paths, and that we should be open and ready to try them.

The coming month of Leo is all about shining our light in the world. My recommendation this week is to really ask what type of Light we are meant to bring into the world. The moment we know, we need to seize the day and start moving forward with that dream.

We have an amazing opportunity to fill up the gaps between what our souls want and what we think we want out of comfort. Get ready for the adventure!

Have a great week everyone. Carpe diem, seize the day!
