Astrology Forecast for March 1-7, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for March 1-7, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Marzo 1, 2015
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Hi Everybody! As a brand new astrological week starts, we’ll see many amazing opportunities just around the corner!

We are in the second week of the lunar month of Pisces. According to kabbalistic tradition, twice a year a very specific cosmic window opens up, which is always under planet Jupiter's influence. The first window is at the end of the month of Sagittarius (Chanukah). The second one occurs during the full moon of Pisces, and its name is Purim. These yearly windows are designed to allow us to overcome our tendencies and rise above many of our limitations.

Indeed, this week’s chart illustrates this so well. First, many T-squares are featured. Although they have a bad reputation, they can push us to our next level. Jupiter, this month's star of the show, is very boldly positioned in the 11th astrological house, although retrograde in Leo. Second, so many planets are already in Aries, that the total count of fire elements is seven! So much for watery Pisces!

What does the cosmos require for us to connect with this beautiful window of energy? The answer is unbelievably simple, and it is found in one little three-letter word: JOY. To access the second window of miracles of the year, all we simply need is joy.

So, let’s talk about what joy represents spiritually and what is expected from us during the week. I’ll start by stating the obvious: we are all in very different places in our lives, and sometimes the word joy is very far away. When something terrible happens how is it possible for us to gather that lovely and warm feeling?

The answer is simple; we need to reconnect with our souls and disconnect from external fragmented events. Easier said than done. But if we had a better vision of the big picture, it certainly would be a bit easier.

Rav Brandwein, Rav Berg’s teacher, once explained to him that life really passes by so fast, it’s just a blink of an eye! Events happen all the time that can be very challenging. They surely affected our past, but we cannot let them affect our future, as well.

This week, we gain additional help from the cosmos. A lot of Aries energy has been released so we can escape the Piscean tissues! Aries, a fire sign, is the child of the zodiac. He looks at everything in an open, wondrous way. A child doesn't judge, doesn’t know hatred, divisions, or social conflicts unless adults tell them. A child sees another and asks him simply, "Would you like to play?"

This week is a fabulous opportunity for our "inner child" to reach out, take us by the hand, and show us the many wonderful things that exist around us. We need to look at everything around us with the eyes of a child—constantly discovering and loving all that we see. The real source of joy lies in our connection with the child within our souls.

So, practically speaking, our plan of attack is as follows:

This week, let's look at life with a child's eyes. It's that simple! Let's be open, funny, playful, even naïve, and all loving for just one week. No more suspicions, doubts, and thinking, What’s in it for me?

This time around is all about simplicity. The window of opportunity will definitely open up for us, enabling us to rise above our limitations.

Those who live near a Kabbalah Centre, remember that many connections will take place in the evening and morning of Purim. Don't forget to be in touch!

Let's leave difficulties in the past for just one week and have a joyous one!


