Astrology Forecast for March 15-21, 2015

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Astrology Forecast for March 15-21, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Marzo 15, 2015
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Hi Everyone! At the end of this week, we will enter a new astrological year with the New Moon of Aries. As most of us have felt, the cosmos has been burning for a few weeks now. Oh my! What does the month of Aries have in store for us?

Let us start, as usual, with a little roast of our friends, the Aries!

Aries is actually the baby of the zodiac. The key to understanding this sign is to think of them as perpetually 11-years-old! Aries is gifted with a brilliant personality. Very quick to understand concepts, they usually have a great IQ. Though they enjoy humor, they are incredibly impulsive! These are people who cannot control their hearts. Since their main motivation is love, they will do anything for the sake of love and will never deny a compliment!

Aries is known to be the most "selfish" sign of the Zodiac and they are very involved with themselves. (Please Aries, don’t throw tomatoes at me yet!) Since they are the first on the astrological wheel, it’s as if others do not exist yet!

Freedom is a central concept for this sign. Aries are constantly challenged by it. As a result, they often encounter huge issues with authority and consequently prefer to work on their own terms or as consultants. Their preoccupation with freedom can also be a big obstacle for relationships and love; their partners need to be real angels of patience.

Under the ruling of belligerent Mars, our friends, the Aries, tend to get angry and reactive fairly easily. But they calm down just as quickly, too. Their confrontational skills are usually a bit childish and they need to take special care in improving them. They are the world champions of forgetfulness and clumsiness. And they make terrible liars, because they can never remember anything!

On a positive note, our lovely Aries are brave and solid. They are usually courageous and can undertake dangerous missions, because they do not think of the consequences at all. Since Mars in Hebrew is called Ma'adim, from the root word, dam (blood), every Aries tends to bleed a lot, constantly cutting himself with instruments, weapons, or simply by falling over! Parents of a little Aries should realize that their child knows no fear, and they should teach him, or her, the laws of cause and effect ASAP.

The main organ is the head, that’s why head injuries are so common with the sign. (They also suffer from over thinking!) In the Book of Formation, we learn that Aries is the water of fire, which makes this sign highly emotional and sometimes even tormented! They are also real troupers – always ready for a new project or venture... or a good fight! A significant number of Aries are very creative and make brilliant actors and movie directors.

Our survival kit for this month:

During the entire cosmic month of Aries we should really refrain from impulsive behaviors and arguments at all cost – the universe is like one big, exploding bomb!

On the 20th and 21st of March, a solar eclipse will occur at the exact moment of the birth of the new moon. On the 4th of April, 2015, the day of the full moon, a lunar eclipse will take place, as well as a blood moon (the moon will indeed appear reddish in color).

These cosmic occurrences make the whole world prone to more social anger and even revolutionary movements. Hopefully, we won't witness any more bloodshed than we already have. However, as the kabbalists teach so wisely, we can only change the world one person at the time.

Therefore, during the entire month of Aries we should take personal responsibility to bring as much peace as we can around us – with our close friends and relatives, as well as whatever further circles we can influence. This month, let's consider ourselves warriors for peace!

To be continued…

Wishing all of you a very enlightened astrological New Year!

Much love,


