Astrology Forecast for March 2015

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Astrology Forecast for March 2015

Yael Yardeni
Febrero 28, 2015
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Hello everyone and welcome to a new month!

March promises to be a rather steamy one with loads of water in the chart and planets strongly camped in fire (we start the month with seven planets in fire). It seems the cosmos can't decide whether it should be sensitive and loving like Pisces, or all fiery and temperamental like Aries. It’s as if we are becoming The Hulk!

With all that steam, we can't exactly see much!

So, the global advice for the month is caution—try not to make too many promises. But we can and should plant seeds for new ideas. Meet with new potential partners at work, design the house you are going to build, or start a new website. All these seeds will be harvested later this year, around the month of June and all through summer.

I will call the month of March the month of conception, rather than manifestation. We should use this time to conceive of and create new systems, and start up new ideas and concepts. From a human point of view, this isn’t a good time for confrontations or head-butting, but a better one to understand the personal lessons these situations are creating for us.

Let’s now give a little roast to our friends, the Pisceans, who have birthdays this month! Pisces are the most controversial people on the planet! With such names attached to the sign as Albert Einstein, Rosa Luxemburg, Rudolf Steiner, Steve Jobs, Michelangelo, Renoir, and Moshe Rabbeinu.

On one hand these are really sweet, inspired, supportive, charming, and loving individuals. On the other hand, they are completely complicated and sometimes have dark personalities. Getting a Pisces to move forward is like trying to push the ocean to one side of the planet—it just doesn’t work!

The sign is known to be very wise and extremely intelligent. In kabbalistic astrology they represent the air of the water, which adds a very strong intellectual component to the water sign. Many Pisces indeed have a superior IQ, but are totally clueless when it comes to life. Einstein was a genius in physics, but he couldn’t match his socks properly! In a way, they are a bit estranged from this world and feel better in their own galaxy.

As it happens, the Pisces symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions—the best and the worst in every human being all at the same time. Often, Pisceans suffer from a secret addiction, or at least are attracted to the dark side.

One of Pisces’ greatest difficulties is to grow a backbone; it’s ironic that the month is called Adar or Idra, the spine. As they say, the path to hell is paved with good intentions, and that’s totally a message for our Piscean friends this month!

Have a very fruitful month of March!

To be continued…

Yael Yardeni
