Astrology Forecast for May 3-9, 2015
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Astrology Forecast for May 3-9, 2015

Yael Yardeni
Mayo 3, 2015
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Hi Everyone! My dear friends, we are getting deeper and deeper into the heavy energy of Taurus. This week starts with a Capricorn moon and Saturn still close to the ascendant. Pretty soon we will feel like Sisyphus and his famous rock — painfully climbing a mountain with the rock soon to roll all the way down again! What possible lessons can we learn from this infamously difficult Omer time zone?

The answer this time is quite obvious: determination. If this coming week does not teach us to have the most positively stubborn and willing, push-no-matter-what attitude, I don’t know what will! In order to really understand this concept, first we need to dismantle certain distorted beliefs we’ve held on to for a very long time.

Early in my personal spiritual journey, I went to Rav Berg, our beloved teacher, and asked him, “When a student detaches from his spiritual journey for whatever reason, how is it that you are not affected by this?” He paused. Then he gave me a brilliant smile and answered, “You are asking this question because you do not have certainty yet. If you had real certainty you would understand that no energy is ever wasted. If you give your love and your energy to others it may not come back to you through the same wires. But it always comes back no matter what, and often by way of completely different people.”

This explanation was one of the most enlightening moments in my spiritual journey.

In other words, we shouldn’t look for immediate outcomes, but rather continue sharing love and Light. The outcome is not in our hands, but in the hands of the Creator.

Each one of us has heard it before: what goes around comes around. And we all believe it somehow, because we have learned as much in our spiritual journeys, or from our parents and loved ones. So, we oftentimes expect to receive the invested energy back from the exact same channels we have invested it in. This misconception is the problem we face!

We have to KNOW it will come back; we just don’t know HOW.

Here is the deal: this week is all about investments, not results.

Simply put, right now we need to push everything forward, just like an athlete running a marathon. This means pouring energy into our work, projects, friends, career, and dreams. At the same time, do this unconditionally, knowing deep down results may not be seen for three months or even three years. But keep on pushing, just like a stubborn Taurus!

When we think about it, feeling discouraged is just a consequence of not seeing immediate results. It happens a lot in our spiritual work. We make the effort then ask, “Okay, where is it? I did everything by the book! I should have hit the jackpot by now!”

True, but it will happen when the Creator sees our desire growing, our vessel expanding, and more importantly, all our expectations chucked out the window. An expectation is always followed by its partner, disappointment. Knowing that the Light we reveal will be eternal changes the whole picture and deepens our understanding about the continuity of our work and the fruits it will eventually bear… when we (and the universe) are both ready for it.

And so, this is the week to invest, share, and place energy everywhere we can, with all our strength, and without expectations.

Surprises await us!

Have a great week, everyone!


