Astrology Forecast for November 30 - December 6, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for November 30 - December 6, 2014

Yael Yardeni
Diciembre 2, 2014
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Hi Everyone! I hope you are all taking advantage of the newborn month of Sagittarius, as many opportunities are opening to us this month and this week is a very significant one in our spiritual work! Let's find out what's happening in the cosmos this week.

The first thing that jumps into sight is the incredible quantity of planets in Pisces. What? More water? We thought that would be over after flooded Scorpio! Well, well… As it happens, the moon is in Pisces, along with four other celestial bodies. Neptune, Chiron, mid-heaven, and fortune are all piled up on top of the moon in Pisces! On the other hand, the sun, Mercury, and Venus are in strong Sagittarius, and we’ll notice that the chart ends up being half fire and half water again. The common ground between Pisces and Sagittarius is their ruler, Jupiter, the expander of the zodiac. One thing is clear: the cosmos is determined to see us expand this week!

To begin deciphering the cosmos, let us first remember an important fact: Mercury in Sagittarius is not exactly the most tactful combination of the zodiac! All month people around us may be putting their feet in their mouths. Unfortunately, the Pisces energy—which is so strong right now—is also making us a bit marshmallow-like and ultra-sensitive to criticism.

So, we are confronted with a Shakespearian choice: to talk or not to talk? To confront or to abstain from making waves?

To help out our tikun (or karma), this week’s chart opens up exactly at 18 degrees in Gemini, the very sign of communication! So, if and when we choose to talk, how can we do it in an optimal fashion?

Let me start by saying that it's very difficult for any of us to confront others proactively. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of understanding. Some of us confront like bullies, kicking and screaming. Some are like yellow submarines, and disappear from the surface. And others choose to be passive aggressive, hoping things will go away by themselves. And of course, some of us go straight to!

The conclusion? ALL of us agonize over confrontations, in one way or another. Kabbalistically speaking, none of these behaviors are a good plan. No matter what group we belong to, there are ways to improve!

Here are some spicy tips, straight from the ovens of the kabbalists to help us improve this week and in the long term:

Tip #1: Always check your facts!

Simple enough right? Not really! Sometimes we jump to conclusions because of a feeling or some vague impression.

Tip #2: Speak without judgment!

The best way to confront is actually via a question! So, it might sound something like: "Okay dear, pay attention. This and that has occurred. What happened? Walk me through your decision making."

Tip #3 (the most important of all): NEVER confront a person in public!

Confrontations are best done over a cup of tea, in an office, or at the local coffee shop, away from the eyes of others. Kabbalists teach us that confronting someone in public creates bad karma since it can ruin their reputations, and others end up judging them. (The same goes for children! We can scold them a bit, but never in public.)

Tip #4: Make it a team effort!

So, it would sound like. "Ok, what are WE going to do to make it better?" And sometimes, we will find that the person we are talking to is not up to the task. In that case, we should find a plan B.

This is definitely not rocket science, but a very important part of our spiritual work! At first we may find ourselves with sweaty palms, an internal heat wave, and a profound discomfort for sure! However, as kabbalists have taught us, the lack of comfort really makes us grow.

We all know that failing to make a confrontation at the right time will lead us to total chaos. This week is an unbelievable opportunity to completely transform our communication, especially our confrontation skills. The cosmos is supporting all our efforts towards more dialogue and openness. As Bryant McGill wrote: “Change comes from confrontation. You have to be confronted or confront yourself.”

Have a wonderful and open week!


