Astrology Forecast for the Month of Leo 2016

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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Leo 2016

Yael Yardeni
Julio 31, 2016
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Hi everyone! Let me start by wishing everybody a happy New Moon of Leo!

This coming Thursday night (August 4th) we will enter the fiery Leo zone! After so many weeks in swimsuits (so to speak!) a little fire is most welcome. What fire, you ask!? The fire of all fire signs, the nuclear power of the sun itself! So, handle with care!

Let's find out what type of atmosphere to expect in the universe.

The cosmos welcomes us to no less than seven planets in fire signs. Most of them are mutable planets, which will enable us to make some groovy changes this month! Mutable signs are our best allies when we want to shake old habits. The moon and Venus are conjunct again, a very pleasurable feature for friendship and enlightenment.

On a side note, Mars and Saturn retrograde, both in clumsy Sagittarius, are conjunct, as well. Beware of small accidents and distracted actions! Last week’s recommendations still apply, and should be reinforced even more strictly, since we are right in the middle of the three challenging weeks. Beware of seas globally—better safe than sorry!

Of course, as is custom, our larger-than-life Leo friends will get their yearly roast. Let’s talk about the atmosphere of this new month and sign!

His highness, the sun, is the ruler of Leo. Make way for the king! And Leos are very much like their ruler: the world must revolve around them.

Very generous and forgiving, nothing is small in a Leo’s life. Their dreams, hopes, and plans are gigantic! In fact, natives of the sign are afflicted by a slight “God syndrome.” Every Leo feels he or she has been placed on Earth to save the world. I am sure a Superman suit hangs in every Leo closet!

They are absolutely fantastic at sorting out other people’s lives in ten seconds flat. Sure, do this… Do that… What's the problem? Unfortunately, their own lives sometimes seem like a complete mess.

Every Leo is a boss and the sooner we get used to them always being right, the better we will feel. Every conversation with a Leo should start with words of appreciation and love, otherwise they will turn into fiery dragons.

Contrary to popular belief, a Leo's psychology is really simple: what you see is what you get. Their feelings transpire easily—they are either magnanimous or completely in crisis.

Moneywise, these great souls can be disastrous. They handle the finances of others well, but do a terrible job with their own. They tend to live WAY beyond their means. But of course, they can also be horribly stingy. (Leos always come in extremes.)

Very sensitive to issues of fairness, they can destroy everything when faced with what they think is an injustice. Their great energy (Leos are the fire of the fire) needs to be channeled properly, otherwise they become workaholics and might just drop dead (God forbid!) of a heart attack out of the blue. They are terrible at asking for help, very often seeming like know-it-alls, and can be very loud.

Leos are far more intellectual than intuitive. Often, a Leo will educate himself later in life. The seniors we find sitting on university benches at 80 years old are often natives of the sign.

A Leo will need a lot of strength in his life to stand up for his beliefs, because it's very hard for him to be unpopular. Caution: Leos have the worst vengeance streak of the zodiac! You've been warned. If the offense is really serious, a Leo will make people pay for it with interest!

The body parts associated with the sign are the heart and the circulatory system, and the upper spine and the shoulders.

Famous Leos include many dictators and world leaders, such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Deng Xiaoping, Fidel Castro, Benito Mussolini, Bill Clinton, and Menachem Begin among others. Controversial artists include Andy Warhol, Stanley Kubrick, and Alfred Hitchcock, along with writers such as Ray Bradbury, J.K. Rowling, and Aldous Huxley. Very colorful indeed!

Our tikkune plan of attack for the whole month of Leo (Av):

  • Learn to ask for help.
  • Accept that the Light is higher than you.
  • Keep a low profile.
  • It doesn’t matter what people think.
  • You are not superman!

Chodesh tov!


