Becoming the Cause

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Becoming the Cause

Centro de Kabbalah
Octubre 2, 2013
Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir

This month, the cosmos present us with incredible opportunities to start playing a greater role in creating our destiny. This is, in fact, why we are here. We are meant to be the co-creators of our lives and our happiness.

Chaos in its many forms is like a drug that can be very difficult for us to shake. We like to complain, blame, even to suffer. Unfortunately, this is how we hand our peace of mind over to anything other than ourselves. Any area where we are an “effect” instead of the “cause” will not generate lasting fulfillment. On the contrary, it usually only perpetuates our suffering. We become stuck, immobile, and unable to move forward.

We all have our moments where we feel like victims of circumstance, but we are also always given the choice to rise above it.

Many of you knew and were touched by my father Rav Berg, who unfortunately passed away a few weeks ago. For me personally, the pain I feel during these days is overwhelming. It is so important to take time to feel that pain and to grieve. At the same time, I know that the Rav would not have wanted any of us to stop doing whatever we can each day to improve the lives of others.

Each time I focus on how I can best serve, for a brief moment I stop being the effect and I get to become the cause again.

Becoming the cause puts us back in control. Then we can begin to learn the lessons any given situation is meant to teach us, and integrate those lessons into our lives creating a better future for ourselves and others.

This month, instead of just coasting through our day to day existence, the universe will give us big opportunities to become more active participants in creating the kind of world that we want.

Being a passenger won’t get us very far. It’s from the driver’s seat that we will get to where we want to go.
