Climb the Ladder of Consciousness: Connect to the Teachings of Rav Ashlag
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Climb the Ladder of Consciousness: Connect to the Teachings of Rav Ashlag

Centro de Kabbalah
Octubre 8, 2024
Me gusta 12 Comentarios 2 Compartir

In 1922 Rav Yehuda Ashlag established the very first Kabbalah Centre in Jerusalem, breaking with the 4,000-year-old tradition to keep the teachings of kabbalah concealed in mystical writings.

Rav Ashlag delved into Lurianic Kabbalah, unraveling some of the greatest secrets that mankind has ever known. His writings tackle topics that pertain to the ultimate removal of chaos - with concepts such as relativity, space travel, healing, and other matters affecting the welfare of humankind that were first concealed in the Zohar some 2,000 years ago. As the mysteries were unveiled, they were injected into the collective unconscious of the people, including his counterparts toiling in the world of physics. On the unseen spiritual level, his work ignited the technological explosion of the 20th century.

Rav Ashlag departed our physical world in 1955 on the holiday of Yom Kippur, leaving the legacy of the first-ever Hebrew translation of the Zohar from its original Aramaic.

Below are some staff-picked lectures we hope will inspire you and help you to maximize this powerful window in time.




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