Finding Deep Spiritual Connection Throughout the Year
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Finding Deep Spiritual Connection Throughout the Year

Shimon Keene
Julio 22, 2016
Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir


During Pesach I meditated everyday following the Kabbalah Centre recommendations. Everyday I had to eliminate, transform, or improve something in myself under the guidance of Kabbalah and with the help of the 72 Names of God. It was a week that I felt a great personal achievement, as well as a huge inner struggle with my ego. Then it was over. Is it possible to have the same spiritual connection as those weeks again in the year? Thank you all. ~AJFS


Great question, AJFS!

There are particular auspicious times during the year when, with the help of the universe, we can change more easily. One of those times, as you mentioned, is Pesach. Another is the month of Virgo right before Rosh Hashanah (the spiritual new year).

Due to timing it may not be possible to have exactly the same connection as you did during those weeks, but it is, by all means, possible to work on our spiritual growth anytime by studying the Zohar if one has a desire.

The beauty of the cosmic cycle is that no two days are ever the same and each day is like its own universe. The Kabbalah Centre website provides wisdom to make every single week and month relevant to our spiritual growth, and of course, always highlights the special times/days during the year.

Wishing you the best of luck as you continue on your path.
