Finding Love

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Finding Love

Chaim Solomon
Julio 30, 2015
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For as long as I can remember the dream of having a family and someone to share my life with has been at the core of who I am. I can usually make almost anything manifest in my life through sheer will and hope. However, in love I have fallen a bit short. Although this may not be true at all, and I really have been making choices that will ultimately lead me to the person I am supposed to be with, I struggle with why love hasn't happened yet. I have been working on myself for a long time, digging deeper into my spirituality and who I am as a person. I can't come up with why the thing that's most important to me hasn't manifested yet. Any words of advice? ~ZA


Dearest ZA,

I’m very happy that so much is going well for you. Now, let’s work on a great relationship!

The first thing to keep in mind is that like attracts like. Therefore, it’s up to you to become the type of person that you want to attract and be in a relationship with. Most people pray for someone to fill their needs and complete what they lack. Well, if lack is on a person’s mind, then lack is what they will attract. And they end up with a chaotic relationship because each side is looking to receive from the other. It’s important that you keep in mind that the Creator has ALREADY implanted in you the right relationship. Your job is to reveal, through transformational sharing, enough Light to attract that right person. The more you share your Light with others in general, the more love and kindness you shine, and the quicker you can attract that special someone.

I encourage you contact 1-800-KABBALAH to set yourself up with a learning program guided by one of our student support teachers. They are experienced instructors that can assist you in this area, as well as other areas of your life.

Light and blessings,

