Healing from the Loss of a Child

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Healing from the Loss of a Child

Chaim Solomon
Julio 30, 2015
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When a parent loses a child, just like Aaron, what kinds of things might he or she have done in a previous life to create this tikun process? And what kinds of things are the parents suppose to learn, in order to transform and change? The answers would be of tremendous help to grieving parents, helping them to turn their greatest darkness into the greatest Light. ~SM


Dear SM,

Losing a child, heaven forbid, is probably the most painful experience a person can go through. Each of us can scan or read the Zohar and send Light and comfort to parents worldwide that have lost children.

I would not encourage a person to try to figure out what occurred in a past life to bring on such a painful experience. What is written (and in my experience, what is most valuable for parents) is to find ways and means to express more compassion and sensitivity toward others who experience pain and suffering. The parents’ tikun is to do all that they are able to help prevent others from experiencing that kind of loss.

Unfortunately, we are often so caught up in our own lives that we fail to notice the suffering of others. This goes for all forms of pain and suffering, not just the loss of a child. It would serve each and every one of us to take some time daily to stop and remember that we are all ONE SOUL and what each human experiences has an impact on each of us. So, the more actions we take to spread the Light of the Zohar and Kabbalah, the faster we can remove ALL pain, suffering, and death from the world, forever. This is the mission of The Kabbalah Centre and the lineage of the kabbalists we descend from.

In 2002, our international gathering for Rosh Hashanah (the New Year) was in New York’s Times Square one year after the events of 9/11. The world was in great conflict; people were "pointing fingers" at each other in blame. Karen Berg summarized the situation and pointed to the solution to the entire problem when she said the world will be at peace when an Israeli mother cries for a Palestinian mother who’s lost a child, and the Palestinian mother cries for the Israeli mother who’s lost a child.

Parent or child, male, female, black, white, brown, yellow, red, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, etc.—we can all be MORE sensitive to the chaos that others are experiencing and do something each day to take away some of that pain. It is the kabbalistic way to draw from the Light in order to take away our pain and chaos.

With your assistance and support spreading the message and tools of Kabbalah to others, we may see the removal of all darkness in our time.

With Light and blessings.
