New Book: Times of Elevation Edited by Michael Berg
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New Book: Times of Elevation Edited by Michael Berg

Centro de Kabbalah
Septiembre 4, 2024
Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir

Infuse your High Holiday studies with the Zohar’s teachings on each sacred window in time from Rosh Hashanah through Simchat Torah with Times of Elevation Vol. 1, a new book release curated by Michael Berg.

Now, for the first time, you can access all of the Zohar’s teachings on the High Holidays and days of elevation for righteous souls, including Rav Ashlag’s commentary on the holidays, newly translated into English. Each Zohar section includes the original Aramaic text accompanied by English translations. As the first release of a two-volume set, Michael Berg has meticulously compiled the Zohar’s excerpts on Rosh Hashanah through Simchat Torah into one essential resource for those looking to harness the energetic power of the sacred holidays.

"My spiritual foundation, that which continues to push me forward in life, was established in the times I studied with my father, Rav Berg...These sections of Zohar hold a very special place in my heart."

– Michael Berg

Order your copy today or shop at your local Kabbalah Centre bookstore to expand your capacity to receive the Light available within each of these powerful cosmic windows in time!

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"There is no tool more powerful than the revelation, Light, and Wisdom of the Zohar, to assist us in understanding how to use these most powerful days of the year.”

- Michael Berg
