Quarterly Donor Impact Report - April, May, and June 2024
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Encuentra más sabiduría y ejercicios para elevarte, elevar tu vida y la de aquellos que te rodean. Desde artículos y videos semanales a clases trasmitidas en vivo, clases presenciales y eventos. Hay un plan de membresía para cada persona.

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Membresía sugerida:

Comunidad Onehouse Premium

  • Sus beneficios incluyen:
  • Únete a webinarios interactivos cada semana
  • Ve cursos completos bajo demanda
  • Disfruta descuentos en eventos, sesiones de orientación y productos*
  • Y mucho más...
  • Inscríbete hoy
  • *En las sedes participantes. Hay restricciones.

Profundiza aún más en la sabiduría de la Kabbalah con una guía personalizada y lectura de carta astral.

Consulta gratuita

Nuestro equipo dedicado está aquí para ayudarte a transitar tu viaje espiritual.

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Lectura astrológica kabbalística

Aprender acerca de nuestra alma a través de una carta astral ayuda a dar más significado y un mayor entendimiento a las experiencias que enfrentamos, las personas que conocemos, el trabajo que hacemos y las bifurcaciones en el camino.

Solicita la lectura de tu carta

Guía personal - Servicios del Centro de Kabbalah

Sesiones personalizadas individuales con un instructor para profundizar en el área que te interesa o apoyarte donde más lo necesitas. Las reuniones abarcan temas desde las relaciones hasta el tikún o un estudio profundo del Zóhar, todas personalizadas especialmente para ti.

Reserva una sesión de guía

Quarterly Donor Impact Report - April, May, and June 2024

Centro de Kabbalah
Agosto 7, 2024
Me gusta Comentarios Compartir

Did you know that the Hebrew word for love, ahav, stems from the word hav, which means to give? The master kabbalists taught that by cultivating a consciousness of love, connection, and true caring for the well-being of others, we come to realize that giving to another is no different from giving to ourselves. Intentionally channeling Light to someone else through our act of giving creates a circuit to receive more Light and blessings ourselves.

In other words, transformational sharing actually benefits us more than the person with whom we share.

It is our hope that you already know this, but it bears repeating: when you share your time, your energy, your money, and your unique gifts with the Centre and our community, you are not only contributing to the spread of a powerful form of love but you are channeling blessings and miracles into your life. It is a tremendous gift, and we sincerely thank you for sharing.

Here are some projects you’ve helped make possible in the last three months:

Pesach Campaign for Karen Berg Scholarship Fund

During our recent Pesach campaign, thousands of students joined together both in person and online for a powerful connection. This gathering was made possible by the generous contributions to the Pesach Sponsorship Fund and the Karen Berg Scholarship Fund.

Your support gave others the opportunity to attend Pesach and connect to their soul’s purpose in the world. In 2024 alone, the Karen Berg Scholarship Fund has already impacted 23,000 lives, showcasing the profound effect of your generosity.

Lag b’Omer One Million Zohars and Global Zohar Project Day of Unity

Thanks to your incredible generosity during Lag b’Omer, combined with a matching donation, we reached our goal for the evening. Following this success, we launched our 2nd Global Zohar Project Day of Unity just a week later. Volunteers from 16 countries joined forces to spread 15,000 Zohars in just one day!

In the past 9 months, your support has enabled us to share an astounding 465,000 Zohars. Your contributions are making a global impact, spreading Light and wisdom far and wide. Thank you for being an essential part of this remarkable journey.


Expanding Our Reach: New Initiatives and Projects

Your support is enabling us to bring the wisdom of Kabbalah to countless souls seeking deeper meaning and personal growth. Here are some of the exciting new initiatives your contributions have made possible:

Empowerment Through Kabbalah: A Spiritual Lens to Recovery

For the past two years, we have meticulously developed, tested, and refined a curriculum based on kabbalistic principles to enhance anyone’s path to recovery. Spearheaded by our dedicated teachers Rachel and Avner Madar, this project has included collaboration with experts to more effectively train our instructors. Recently, we welcomed a long-time Kabbalah student and Substance Abuse Counselor with over 20 years of experience to facilitate our first-ever 10-week course, which began in June and has already welcomed 270 students.

New Centre in Miami’s Design District



Our new brick-and-mortar Kabbalah Centre in Miami’s Design District is creating a vibrant community. This Centre offers Kabbalah 1 courses, special events, Shabbat connections, and much more, providing a welcoming environment for learning and spiritual growth.

Launch of SpirituallyHungry.Life with Monica’s Rethink It Series: Rethink: Love Master Class

If you haven’t heard yet, we are thrilled to announce the launch of SpirituallyHungry.Life, beginning with Monica’s Rethink It Series – Rethink: Love Masterclass. We might be a little biased, but this is a deeply insightful and entertaining series that appeals to anyone looking to get more out of their relationships. Stay tuned for more masterclasses designed to bring more wisdom and insight into your life.

Additionally, in the past three months, we’ve added:

  • 9,324 new students studying kabbalah
  • 3,960 students in 23 kabbalah 1 courses
  • 986 students approved for a scholarship

We are filled with profound gratitude seeing you spread your love and Light in the world. And we are overjoyed at the blessings you're attracting into your own life! Thank you for making these groundbreaking initiatives possible and for continuing to support our mission of spreading the Light of Kabbalah.

With Love,

Monica and Michael
