Sensitivity and Kindness

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Sensitivity and Kindness

Centro de Kabbalah
Octubre 31, 2013
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After a month of the heavy energy of Scorpio, most of us breathe a sigh of relief at the incoming sign of Sagittarius. This is considered to be one of the most positive times of the year. Sagittarians are considered one of the most optimistic and positive signs, its attributes permeating the entire month. Its influence affects all of us, regardless of our astrological sign. The question is how do we make the most of the energy to create the best possible month?

In the Kabbalah Centre, we learn that the path to our personal fulfillment is through uprooting our negative traits, so that we may transform them into positivity and generosity. One of the key negative traits of a Sagittarian, and for all of us this month, will be a lack of sensitivity towards others. The truth is, Sagittarians don’t mean to be insensitive. To them, they’re simply being honest! Quick to act and quick to speak, a Sagittarius moves as fast as fire spreads. The problem is, without the restriction of pausing to think first, the outcome is not beneficial for anyone.

The great thing about this energy of “quickness,” is that it helps propel us forward. This is an amazing month, when the universe assists us to accomplish more than we normally would. You may already feel like the wind is at your back, pushing you along at a much more rapid pace than usual. It is, in fact, considered by the kabbalists to be the month of miracles! But within all of this rapid-fire motion, we should never forget to have compassion for others.

One of the things I find most helpful in this month is to ask myself at least one of these four questions before I speak or act: Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

If you can ask yourself four questions, that’s amazing. But usually it only takes one, to give us pause enough to decide how something can best be phrased, or how an action can best be performed to the benefit of others.

Another thing that will help us in this month is to find small ways of performing kindnesses. Offer an hour of your time as a volunteer, bring donuts (or something healthier, perhaps) for the office, or help someone when you see their car has broken down. These are just examples. Be on the lookout for opportunities the universe sends you to extend your helping hand. We open ourselves to the energy of miracles when we make miracles happen for those around us.

By adding a dash of sensitivity and kindness to the ambitious energy of this month, we will accomplish great things.
