07:30 PM
Webinario interactivo (Zoom)
"Kabbalah Talks" offers a dynamic and interactive event series where the timeless wisdom of Kabbalah meets the reality of modern everyday life. In a relaxed and inspiring setting, our experienced Kabbalah teachers offer a kabbalistic perspective on everyday topics and practical tools to help you navigate your days with more balance, clarity, and harmony. This format focuses on individual growth, as well as spiritual development and provides an open platform to exchange ideas, aspirations and challenges for all participants. Join us for "Kabbalah Talks" when we create an unique opportunity to integrate the wisdom of Kabbalah into everyday life.
Join us for our Kabbalah Talk—a welcoming space for students to share, connect, and grow together.
Our topic for this session will be: So I have an ego….now what?
Date(s): Lunes, Marzo 24, 2025
Webinario interactivo (Zoom)
Anfitrión: Kabbalah Centre Toronto
Esta es una clase de Aprendizaje en Vivo. Una vez que te inscribas, recibirás un correo electrónico con las instrucciones para conectarte en línea. Sugerimos la inscripción con tiempo para permitir que recibas este correo y descargues el software necesario para ver la clase.
Sessions: 1
Precio: CAD 20.00
Idioma: Inglés