Lesson 1: Identifying Our Personal Tikkune
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Guía personal - Servicios del Centro de Kabbalah

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Kabbalah 2 (French)

Lesson 1: Identifying Our Personal Tikkune

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 19, 2024
Fecha de grabación: Octubre 1, 2013

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Identifying our personal tikun
  • Seeing more negativity and blockages as we grow
  • The essence of spiritual work is to remove our ego
  • The story of the ten thieves
  • Gradually identifying our tikun (correction)
  • Two areas of spiritual work:
    • 1. Actions and tools to bring Light into our lives
    • 2. Recognizing our negativity
  • The essence of Kabbalah is change
  • Pain, discomfort and negativity: negative actions feed the Klipot, shells of negativity or blockages
  • Unexplanable fears indicate that Klipot control that area of life
  • Pain indicates that the Klipot are blocking us
  • Embracing pain by asking for more
  • Homework: pick two uncomfortable situations, embrace pain and go against them
  • Being joyful as we transform our nature
  • Putting ourselves in others' shoes when they do not support us
  • Dealing with death

Descripción de la clase

Identifying Our Personal Tikkune

Acerca de este curso

Join our teacher Eliahu Bouhanna, a student of Kabbalist Rav Berg. In Kabbalah 1, you learned the basics of the path to self-fulfillment. In Kabbalah 2, things get more concrete and personal. Now it's all about delving deeper into advanced topics as you strive to fulfill your true purpose through your relationship with yourself, with others and with the Light. Kabbalah 2 gives you the opportunity to work with a one-to-one teacher to help you apply the teachings in a way that's practical, relevant and relevant to your own life. Join us to further explore the deeper concepts of ancienttexts such as the five levels of the soul. Participate in relationship workshops. And familiarize yourself with Kabbalist meditations that can transform your stress and lead you to fulfillment. After all, it's here and now that we really begin to live the Kabbalah.

Instructores del curso
