Lesson 1: Letters Alef, Bet, Gimmel
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How To Read The Zohar in Aramaic

Lesson 1: Letters Alef, Bet, Gimmel

Fecha de publicación: Enero 27, 2025
Fecha de grabación: Junio 21, 2024

Me gusta 65 Comentarios 17 Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Understanding the Hebrew and Aramaic languages
  • Levels of connection to the Zohar:
    • Having the Zohar
    • Scanning the Zohar
    • Reading the Zohar
    • Studying the Zohar
    • Sharing the Zohar
  • Infusing within our consciousness the powerful energy of the Hebrew letters
  • Having the Zohar is very powerful, but reading it and understanding it truly expands our consciousness and the light of our soul
  • Learning to recognize, to write and to pronounce the letters Alef, Bet and Gimmel
  • Nekudot means vowels
  • Seeing and practicing the sound "AH" 
  • Identifying the pronunciation of:
    • Kamatz
    • Patach
    • Chataf Patach

Descripción de la clase

In this lesson, Yosef Farnoosh introduces the importance of learning, studying and practicing the Aramaic language to infuse within ourselves and in our lives the powerful energy of the Zohar. Through constant practice, we are learning to read the Zohar and the prayers shared by the kabbalists.

It is key to download and print the attached workbook to practice the lesson with Yosef during and after classes.

Acerca de este curso

10 Lesson Course. New lessons added weekly! | The Zohar is a powerful tool enabling us to decode the Bible's stories, thereby connecting us to our higher purpose, our reason for being. The deeper we go, the more Light and blessings we reap. While there is great power in possessing the Zohar, there’s even greater power in actually reading it. Join us for a fascinating course as we learn how to read and pronounce passages from the Zohar and important kabbalistic prayers in Aramaic. In addition to reading practice, you’ll receive exercises to use both during and between classes and a digital workbook to track your progress.

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