Ki Tetze: Choosing Right Over Left
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Secretos de la Biblia
2009 (CC)

Ki Tetze: Choosing Right Over Left

Fecha de publicación: Noviembre 20, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Agosto 26, 2009

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • "I held the staff of God": pushing aside judgments
  • Believing we can control and push judgment away
  • Our soul and the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone
  • The Right Way: bringing Right Column over Left Column
  • The Angel of Death: the ultimate judgment
  • Our choice for Right to rule over Left
  • Big problems are illusions: A small spark of Light in negativity
  • No work to bring the Final Redemption
  • How we view or battle indicates our results
  • Awakening desire before the month of Libra
  • Teshuvah (repentance): seeing our negativity, being truthful about who we are and what we do
  • Lying to ourselves during Elul brings judgment
  • The Creator's repentance during Elul
  • How Teshuvah works: awakening our pain awakens the Creator's pain

Descripción de la clase

The portion of Ki Tetze contains the secrets about the spiritual battle that we are in every moment of our life. Since Ki Tetze also takes place within the month of Elul or Virgo we learn lessons that are vital to create a new movie on Rosh Hashanah that is free from chaos and filled with blessings and positivity. Join Michael as he reveals how our choice of Right Column over Left Column provides us with the ability to control and push away any form of judgment, how negativity that seems to be impossible to overcome is an illusion and how teshuvah works to remove judgment from our lives.

Acerca de este curso

En estas clases, Michael Berg comparte valiosas enseñanzas y secretos de la biblia que los grandes kabbalistas compartieron a través de la historia, para ayudarnos a entender y aprovechar la energía disponible durante todo el año.

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