Yitro: Seeing Greatness
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Profundiza aún más en la sabiduría de la Kabbalah con una guía personalizada y lectura de carta astral.

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Clase de Zóhar con Eitan Yardeni

Yitro: Seeing Greatness

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 9, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Febrero 1, 2010

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • The revelation on Mount Sinai was the first time the Light was revealed to all humanity
  • The Ten Utterances connect to the Ten Sefirot and revealed the total revelation of Light and the removal of death
  • The Berich Shemei and returning to the revelation at Mount Sinai
  • Conviction of the existence of a perfect reality
  • Connecting to the solution before the problem arises
  • Yitro (Jethro) heard of the miracles: Yitro actually heard and internalized the lessons
  • Our authentic hearing is blocked; we often do not hear the lessons of the Light
  • Yitro heard because of his awe for the Light 
  • The 611 revealed mitzvot and 2 concealed mitzvot: ahava (love) and irah (awe)
  • Our ability to hear and internalize is dependent on our awe
  • Awe comes from romemut in the Light
  • Improving relationships with romemut and seeing the greatness in others
  • Moses as a reincarnation of Abel and Yitro as a reincarnation of Cain
  • Defining commitment
  • Cures found in plants and herbs; the Light is the source for our healing
  • Romemut allows us to be open to the source of healing
  • Running after results or running after consciousness
  • Palm and Face reading: clues in the physical realm to conditions in the spiritual realm
  • A desire to raise our consciousness
  • Surrounding ourselves with people of elevated consciousness and the importance of our environment
  • Our elevation elevates those around us
  • Rachel, Leah, and the dudaim (mandrake): consciousness provided the miracle of fertility

Descripción de la clase

Join Eitan as he provides us with the tools to create awe and appreciation in our lives which helps us to see the greatness of all things and connect to the messages and blessings that are blocked by our ego.

Acerca de este curso

Escrito hace 2000 años por Rav Shimón bar Yojái, el Zóhar explica todos los secretos de la Biblia, el universo y todos los aspectos de la vida. La clase de Zóhar es un viaje semanal para entender la energía y los desafíos que afrontaremos durante la semana y cómo podemos elevar nuestra conciencia para evitar que se produzca el caos en nuestra vida.

Instructores del curso

Lista de reproducción del curso
