Balak: Converting Negativity into Blessings
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Clase de Zóhar con Eitan Yardeni
2006 y años previos

Balak: Converting Negativity into Blessings

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 11, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Julio 7, 2003

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • The power of the mouth (Bilaam) and the power of black magic (Balak) used for destruction
  • “A wise man’s eyes are in his head”:
  • The Light of Wisdom is the Light we are always trying to connect with
  • The head is the Upper 3 Sefirot
  • The eyes are Chochmah where the Light of Wisdom of comes from
  • Blindness and disconnection from the Light
  • A candle, its wick and our positive actions
  • Revealing Light through our actions  
  • The power of children and the merit of our generation
  • The significance of Success for Kids and Kabbalah Children’s Academy
  • The mother’s protection of her child
  • Protection from Evil Eye
  • Pure negativity is never our enemy 
  • Our power to nullify and convert negativity through our transformation
  • Confusion is encoded within the names of Balak and Bilaam
  • Bilaam’s curse is converted into a blessing
  • Zohar Project volunteers face challenges in spreading the Zohar
  • Connecting to Light will always attract others to distract and disturb us 
  • Amalek (representing doubt) encoded within Balak and Bilaam
  • Empowering external things leaves opening for doubt
  • Victim mentality comes from doubting our ability to change 
  • Perseverance in the face of doubt
  • The real enemy is not anything or anyone external
  • The son of Rav Yosi of Peki'in
  • Visiting the grave site of Rav Yosi is a connection to immortality
  • The prayer of the poor
  • The paradox of seeing ourselves as poor yet acting like the Light
  • Negative attributes that bring about disease

Descripción de la clase

The energy of protection is connected to the portion of Balak.  Join Eitan as he discusses how we can draw this energy by practicing certainty, being like children, and maintaining the consciousness of "the prayer of the poor" by which we can convert all negativity into blessings.

Acerca de este curso

Escrito hace 2000 años por Rav Shimón bar Yojái, el Zóhar explica todos los secretos de la Biblia, el universo y todos los aspectos de la vida. La clase de Zóhar es un viaje semanal para entender la energía y los desafíos que afrontaremos durante la semana y cómo podemos elevar nuestra conciencia para evitar que se produzca el caos en nuestra vida.

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