Ki Tetze: Regaining our True Selves
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Clase de Zóhar con Eitan Yardeni

Ki Tetze: Regaining our True Selves

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 11, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Agosto 8, 2010

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • War refers to our combat with our own internal Opponent
  • Having a willingness and a desire to fight the Opponent
  • We are not designed to overcome the Opponent alone
  • This month we will see our garbage clearly, but we cannot overcome it with our senses
  • Finding a beautiful woman is a metaphor for finding our pure soul
  • Retrieving our soul from the clutches of the Opponent and cleansing it
  • Doubt and uncertainty are our worst enemies
  • Feeling convicted enough by our own negativity to desire changing it
  • The major rewards for those of us who embark on this war
  • By staying focused on feeling bad we express a belief in the illusion: dwelling in a false reality of sadness and victimhood leaves no space for the Light
  • Staying diligent even when things appear to be less intense
  • Examining areas where we are sure negativity exists and we have not completed our battle
  • Staying focused on the purity of our souls which strengthens our vessel to regain our true self
  • Craving the desire to face our negativity enough to take action 
  • Craving the Light to be our partner in overcoming 
  • Staying in touch with the good things about ourselves 

Descripción de la clase

Eitan reminds us that we must summon the courage to fight for the revelation of our true soul despite the Opponent’s clever ways to deceive us with illusions of helplessness. The Light only asks for our willingness to fight which is a key secret of this lesson. We learn to identify how to recognize our bondage by recognizing where our internal Opponent is still lurking.

Acerca de este curso

Escrito hace 2000 años por Rav Shimón bar Yojái, el Zóhar explica todos los secretos de la Biblia, el universo y todos los aspectos de la vida. La clase de Zóhar es un viaje semanal para entender la energía y los desafíos que afrontaremos durante la semana y cómo podemos elevar nuestra conciencia para evitar que se produzca el caos en nuestra vida.

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