Vayeshev: Revealing the Light Within
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Clase de Zóhar con Eitan Yardeni

Vayeshev: Revealing the Light Within

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 12, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Noviembre 22, 2010

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • This portion of Vayeshev always proceeds Chanukah 
  • One of the strangest stories within the Bible
  • From darkness to Light: King David and The Messiah comes from an impure relationship
  • Joseph's brothers perceive him as a negative influence like Esau to Jacob 
  • Joseph's preoccupation with his looks convinces them of his ego and vanity 
  • The Light prevents the brothers from seeing Joseph's true qualities 
  • The channel of Yesod has no Light of his own; Joseph's light is concealed 
  • The secret of Chanukah and the 36 candles lit over 8 days signifying the Or haGanuz (Concealed Light) 
  • The Or haGanuz is the Concealed Light that only people in an elevated state can access 
  • The 36 righteous souls who support the world gain sustenance from this Light 
  • During the 8 days of Chanukah we too can access this special light of Or haGanuz 
  • Light comes from a place that looks like darkness 
  • Building a vessel for the Light of Or haGanuz 
  • Dispelling the hold our evil inclination has over us to allow our soul's light to emerge  
  • A righteous person is able to detach and separate from the natural voice of the evil inclination 
  • Thinking the Opponent is our true self 
  • Experiencing pain as a window to strengthen the soul by seeing the good in it 
  • Where there is seemingly no Light is where the greatest light is hidden 
  • Joseph teaches us how to cling to the conviction that the light is with us in the midst of the darkness

Descripción de la clase

As we approach the celebration of Chunukah we have the rare opportunity to ready ourselves for the gift of Light that can truly create miracles. This treasure store known as the Or haGanuz (Concealed Light) opens its doors to those of us who recognize the Light within each of us despite the mistakes we have made. Eitan urges us to catch ourselves before we fall deeper into darkness and the illusion of pain, to catch our consciousness and to train it to cling to the saving grace of the Or haGanuz which brings miracles into our lives.

Acerca de este curso

Escrito hace 2000 años por Rav Shimón bar Yojái, el Zóhar explica todos los secretos de la Biblia, el universo y todos los aspectos de la vida. La clase de Zóhar es un viaje semanal para entender la energía y los desafíos que afrontaremos durante la semana y cómo podemos elevar nuestra conciencia para evitar que se produzca el caos en nuestra vida.

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