Terumah: Building the Tabernacle Within
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Clase de Zóhar con Eitan Yardeni

Terumah: Building the Tabernacle Within

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 19, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Enero 31, 2011

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • The meaning of Terumah (contribution)
  • Building a Tabernacle so that the Light may dwell within
  • The Temple within us: Building a vessel as Moses did
  • Moses did not die 
  • Becoming a vessel to hold the righteous in this world 
  • Rav Shimon bar Yochai's departure from this world
  • After the golden calf, we lost the ability to keep Moses with us
  • Light without a vessel has to disappear 
  • When we become a vessel to hold the energy of immortality it will appear 
  • Maintaining a vessel for the blessings in our life 
  • Only those with Light in their hearts could contribute to the building of the Temple 
  • Knowing when the Shechinah dwells within a person: when a person is chasing the Light rather than comfort 
  • Rav Ashlag, Rav Brandwein, The Rav and Karen as examples of vessels anchoring Light for us 
  • To keep the Light we need to chase it whatever the cost 
  • Chasing after righteousness and opportunities to elevate others creates a vessel 
  • The Rav chased after his teacher Rav Brandwein and became a vessel for his teacher's Light 
  • Helping another person overcome their Opponent 
  • The ultimate leader and the ultimate follower 
  • Enlightened greed
  • Discovering where our ego is blocking us from chasing after the light 
  • The effects of Complaining: an ineffective vessel
  • The Israelite's complaints induced the disappearance of Moses 
  • Maintaining our vessel to hold the Light of the creator 
  • The Ark in the Holy Temple corresponds to our heart 
  • Working for the Light with a continuous desire
  • Remembering the solution is always present 
  • The Light is close to those who truly call upon it

Descripción de la clase

Terumah, which translates as "contribution", means more than just stretching our pocket book.  It means making an effort from the heart.  Eitan calls on us to chase after Light no matter what the cost, reminding us that it is such devotion that keeps the righteous among us and allows us to truly be a dwelling place for the Light. We are called to be accountable for maintaining healthy vessels for every area in our life where we want to experience blessing and fulfillment.

Acerca de este curso

Escrito hace 2000 años por Rav Shimón bar Yojái, el Zóhar explica todos los secretos de la Biblia, el universo y todos los aspectos de la vida. La clase de Zóhar es un viaje semanal para entender la energía y los desafíos que afrontaremos durante la semana y cómo podemos elevar nuestra conciencia para evitar que se produzca el caos en nuestra vida.

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