Lesson 3: Creating our New Destiny on Rosh Hashanah
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Rosh Hashanah Seminar 2010

Lesson 3: Creating our New Destiny on Rosh Hashanah

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 26, 2013
Fecha de grabación: Agosto 29, 2010

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Scanning the Zohar for Rosh Hashanah to increase our Surrounding Light (Or Makif)
  • Converting Surrounding Light into Inner Light
  • Using the letters of the month (Resh and Yud) to look at what is painful
  • Resh & Yud have a numerical value of 210: the number of years the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt
  • Shifting our destiny and experiencing a new year
  • The universe in which we live is dependent on the size of our vessel
  • Envisioning a new destiny
  • Obstacles to our vision indicate Light: Our Opponent only bothers the efforts that bring more Light
  • Increasing our vessel and strengthening Zeir Anpin through judgment (Dinim)
  • Dinim comes without the filter of mercy during Rosh Hashanah until the sound of the Shofar
  • The Horn of the Ram (Shofar)is used in order to transform the energy of judgment into mercy
  • The Importance of hearing the Shofar
  • Overcoming any form of idol worship (anything we allow to control us) with the first 30 blasts of the Shofar 
  • The person blowing the Shofar, the level of Binah and the tetragrammaton
  • The 101 Shofar blasts
  • Removing harsh judgment on Rosh Hashanah
  • Admitting our own negativity, accepting it and loving ourselves despite our short comings 
  • Welcoming the sound of the Shofar and renewing life

Descripción de la clase

Yehuda joins David for this dynamic conclusion to the Rosh Hashanah 2010 Series. Yehuda takes the opportunity to share amazing insight into the secrets of Rosh Hashanah and explains how Abraham serves as the conduit to establish the spiritual infrastructure for the removal of judgment

Acerca de este curso

A lo largo del año tenemos oportunidades para conectarnos con energías espirituales únicas y poderosas. Aumentar nuestra conciencia de estas ventanas en el tiempo y comprender las oraciones y herramientas kabbalísticas que establecen nuestra conexión no solo mejora nuestras vidas, sino que crea el cambio positivo y la plenitud duradera que deseamos, a la vez que atraen estas energías divinas para apoyar al mundo entero.

Instructores del curso
