Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Pushing Away Negativity
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Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
Shabbat Consciousness

Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Pushing Away Negativity

Fecha de publicación: Enero 14, 2014
Fecha de grabación: Abril 27, 2012

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • The negativity attached to every blessing we draw down
  • Fear and giving strength to negativity
  • Two types of people: Those who are always trying to grow and those who are satisfied
  • Creating new Light

Descripción de la clase

Michael Berg reveals that whenever Light or a blessing is being prepared to come down into this world, two things happen: there is the blessing itself which is being prepared, but at the same moment the negative side comes to attach itself to that blessing. The more Light is going to be revealed, the more the forces of negativity will be present. We learn that we can protect our blessings by giving of ourselves and going outside our comfort zones.

Acerca de este curso

All too often, we aren’t able to appreciate our blessings until we lose them. It’s too easy to connect to the lack of what we don’t have, instead of feeling appreciative of all we do have. With this week’s dual energy of Acharei Mot-Kedoshim, we are supported to appreciate the people and things in our life while they’re here, as if they could be gone at any second, without having to lose them to see their true value.

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