Closing Message
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Rosh Hashanah 2015

Closing Message

Fecha de publicación: Septiembre 29, 2015
Fecha de grabación: Septiembre 14, 2015

Me gusta 2 Comentarios Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Sharing with the world the Light received in Rosh Hashanah
  • Our purpose is to receive for the sake of sharing
  • Feeling and expressing gratitude

Descripción de la clase

At the closing ceremony on Rosh Hashanah 2015 in San Diego, California, Karen Berg extends a message of gratitude to all the participants to this powerful connection, and reminds us that all the Light we receive should be shared with everyone around us, that is our ultimate purpose. 

Acerca de este curso

On the day of Adam’s birth and our rebirth we can use our birthright as co-creators to be like the Creator and take away judgment from our realm by seeing the love in the other person. When we look at another and seek to find what is right, seek to find what binds us we allow the love of the Creator to expand our heart so the shell that separates us simply falls away.There is a quantitative effect, one person has a limited energy but many can bring about the redemption without the need of negativity. This is why for Rosh Hashanah we invite our communities from all over the globe to be part of a single event: celebrating together, singing together, praying together, finding a way for the many to once again become one soul.On this day when we are of like heart, we can plant a seed of positivity that will grow roots, a trunk and branches and blossom into a tree of life for the whole world. This is the opportunity we have this Rosh Hashanah, to take away the judgment from our realm. Our collective consciousness can alter this day from now and for eternity, from a day of Din (judgment) to a time of endless light.

Instructores del curso
