An Introduction to Kabbalistic Meditation
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An Introduction to Kabbalistic Meditation

An Introduction to Kabbalistic Meditation

Fecha de publicación: Marzo 19, 2025
Fecha de grabación: Marzo 18, 2025

Me gusta 1 Comentarios Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Meditating with kavanah, direction and a focus of energy
  • Elevating our consciousness
  • Meditating with the Tetragrammaton, the highest name of God that we can connect to in the physical world
  • Breath work: seeing the connection between our soul, breath and the spark of Light within us
  • Transforming our consciousness out of the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone
  • Meditating on the 72 Names as shared by Michael Berg in Beshalach: Internally Connecting to the 72 Names.
  • Drawing from our higher levels of self
  • Exploring past lives
  • Receiving a message
  • Tuning in to the voice of the soul

Descripción de la clase

All day long we speak to the Creator but when we meditate the Creator is speaking to us. ~Karen Berg

Join Sarah as she introduces us to many of the ways we can use kabbalistic meditation, so that we may elevate out of the illusion of the physical world, tune in to the voice of our soul and connect with the highest, divine version of ourselves. 

Estudio continuo

For more on kabbalistic meditation, watch 72 - The Meditation Series with Sarah Weston

Acerca de este curso

Throughout history, people from many different cultures have used meditation to find inner peace and wellness, as well as to access higher levels of consciousness. Kabbalistic Meditation aims to allow one to interact directly with the supernal worlds, striving to bring us closer to the Light. Kabbalists teach that through meditation we can connect to the voice of our soul, awakening our innate ability to receive powerful messages and guidance. Join us as we share insight on the practices of kabbalistic meditation.

Instructores del curso
