Lesson 2: Allowing the Endless to Shine
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Kabbalah 5
A Deep Kabbalistic Study on the Formation of the Universe

Lesson 2: Allowing the Endless to Shine

Fecha de publicación: Febrero 3, 2025
Fecha de grabación: Enero 18, 2021

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Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Appreciation is knowing that everything we receive is from the Light
  • Desiring to receive fulfillment is the only thing that it is truly ours, nothing else is ours
  • Thinking that things, people and situations belong to us, removes appreciation for them
  • Everything in life is a miracle because it comes from the Light
  • Realizing that at all times, the Light is residing within us
  • The Light cannot give us more than what we want
  • During pain, ask for more, think bigger, instead of just wanting to relief the pain
  • When not feeling well after making a mistake, ask the Light, show me the way to my soul’s path, show me the path of the Light
  • Feeling the love and immortality in our heart
  •  Knowing that it is easy for us to connect with the perfected aspect of ourselves
  • Asking the Light to open our hearts, so we can feel compassion and true love for everyone and for every situation
  • Accepting the pain with love, while expanding our vessel to receive the Light
  • Envisioning the next level of our evolution
  • The Light is always gives us options to remove worries
  • Seeking to become a better human being
  • All the ideas and genious always come from The Light
  • The only thing that we can keep with ourselves is desire, the rest belongs and goes back to the Light
  • Asking the Light to show us a different way instead of the challenges and emptiness

Descripción de la clase

The whole idea of studying Kabbalah is to reawaken the wisdom and insights that we know within ourselves. Thus, kabbalists teach us that each human being can receive infinite amount of blessings and fulfillment when there is a true desire of allowing and receiving the Light, for the sake of sharing with others.

Acerca de este curso

10 Lesson Course. New lessons added weekly! | The next step on our spiritual journey is a deep dive into the most profound teachings of two of history’s most illustrious and elevated kabbalists, Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari) and Rav Ashlag. Having earned wide acclaim for his prodigious capacity for spiritual study and understanding, the Ari wrote a historic commentary on the Zohar that explained some of the most important kabbalistic ideas and practices used today, including the concept of tikkune, or correction of the soul. Rav Ashlag founded The Kabbalah Centre and dedicated his entire life to bringing the wisdom of Kabbalah to anyone willing to learn. His wisdom and teachings paved the way for modern kabbalistic thought and practice.

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