Revealing the Seeds of Success Part 2: Questions & Answers
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How Spirituality Can Fuel Your Success

Revealing the Seeds of Success Part 2: Questions & Answers

Fecha de publicación: Febrero 25, 2025
Fecha de grabación: Noviembre 13, 2024

Me gusta 2 Comentarios Compartir

Conceptos destacados de la clase

  • Can you speak on the notion of pain and suffering and success?
  • How do you know when it is time to surrender?
  • At what point during your journey of building Tinder did you consider yourself successful?
  • After you felt you hit your desired level of success, what drove you to continue building after that?
  • What are some tangible tools to give us clarity on whether to walk away or keep going further?
  • If a person did not go to college, what are some of the first skills a person should learn to lead them on the path of becoming a successful entrepreneur?
  • How do we get over our fears of hiring, delegating, and losing control yet desire to build a team?
  • What does it mean to sustain the world with your wealth?
  • How would you relate integrity to how we define success and achieve it?
  • What is your next vision or purpose for creating more value in the world?
  • What is your philosophy when dealing with competitors?
  • Sean and Eitan's closing words

Descripción de la clase

Eitan Yardeni and Sean Rad take questions from members of the audience on the topic of spirituality and success in business. 

Acerca de este curso

You’re invited to a special series discussion on how spirituality can fuel your success. Join us to delve into the profound ways Kabbalah can influence your journey, both personally and in business. Discover the spiritual principles that can shape your approach to entrepreneurship and how you can apply these insights to your own career and beyond. Don’t miss this transformative conversation on the intersection of success, business, and spirituality.

Instructores del curso
