Fecha de publicación:
Noviembre 6, 2019
Fecha de grabación:
Octubre 19, 2019
Mientras nos sentamos en la Sucá durante Sucot, Michael nos revela cómo podemos impregnarnos de protección física y espiritual y alcanzar una experiencia trascendental con la Luz del Creador.
As its energy corresponds to sharing, giving, appreciation, and love, Sukkot is known as the holiday of joy. This cosmic opening gives us the opportunity to fulfill our deepest desires as we work to elevate our consciousness and become like the Light. According to the kabbalists, our next level is just beyond us, waiting for us to connect. During Sukkot, we receive the opportunity to draw in our Surrounding Light and receive the power to reach our true potential. It all starts with a yearning, an awakened desire from deep in our soul. By connecting with the energy of Sukkot, we can receive its loving, sharing energy to help us turn our desire into action, which in turn leads to happy outcomes for the entire year ahead.