This study path contains six classes, as well as optional follow-up work for each class; reflection questions to help you internalize the wisdom, and 'thought into action' prompts to help you apply what you're learning to create real, meaningful change in your life.
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In this episode of Spiritually Hungry, Monica and Michael delve into reincarnation from a kabbalistic perspective – the spiritual concept that our souls are eternal forces of energy that cycle through incarnations. Listen as they discuss the influence past lives can have on your current lifetime and how understanding your soul’s history gives you deep insights and shifts your perspective on life.
Pregunta: Where in your life are you controlled by logic? In this area, how can you open your mind to the possibilities that exist beyond the realm of logic? What new possibilities exist when you allow yourself to embrace faith over logic?
Del pensamiento a la acción: For the next week or two, any time (or as often as possible) when a challenging or confusing situation arises, and you notice yourself falling into blame consciousness, pause. Practice asking yourself the questions: why is this in my movie, why did my soul choose this, what lesson am I being asked to learn as part of my soul’s evolution in this lifetime?
Like it or not, who we are, our unique personalities - good and bad - can be traced back to who we were in the past. To change for the better and take control of our destiny, we must figure out what occurred in our past. Join Yael Yardeni for this advanced reincarnation seminar designed to help you make the connections between your past lives and present challenges and gifts.
Pregunta: Do you find that you learn your lessons mainly through pain and chaos or through joy? What would it take for you to release yourself from the obligation to learn through pain?
Del pensamiento a la acción: Download the class handout and complete the exercises. For the next week or two, also practice using the guided mediation Yael gave in class, and write down every insight into your past life or lives that you glean from these meditations. Write down everything you experience in the meditation – visual, sensory, cognitive – the more details, the better. You are gathering clues to your past lives!
According to Kabbalah, our fears are often rooted in past life experiences. Once we understand the source of the fear, we can begin to transform it. In this class, you will learn the three types of fears - logical, illogical, and positive – as well as how these three types of fears show up for you personally.
Pregunta: Answer the questions prompted to you in the downloadable handout featured on the lesson page.
Del pensamiento a la acción: For the next week or two, choose one fear you have identified from class that is not serving you. Practice using the candle meditation and exercise from class, focusing on the fear you have chosen. Notice your thoughts and feelings before and after the meditation each time you practice it. Throughout your week, notice how your fear evolves; is it showing up with less or more intensity, is it showing up in new ways, etc.
Kabbalah teaches that our souls are timeless travelers, traveling from one physical body to the next, forged by experience until the soul no longer requires the body. In this lesson, you will learn how the nodes in your astrological chart provide key insights into the lessons your soul is here to correct from previous lifetimes, as well as the energy your soul has the potential to manifest in this lifetime.
Pregunta: Think about a recurring challenge or negative pattern in your life that seems to have always been with you, something that you cannot connect to a specific experience from this lifetime.
Del pensamiento a la acción: Revisit your birth chart and identify the astrological sign of the north node in your chart. Read the chapter connected to your north node in “Kabbalistic Astrology” by Rav Berg. Try to connect the dots between the challenge or pattern you identified above and your north node.
In this lesson, you are reminded of the importance of being in the present moment, as well as appreciating all the individuals that are part of your life and contribute to your correction and transformation.
Pregunta: Who in your life right now or recently do you question the purpose of in your life? Maybe it's someone you’ve had a conflict with, or simply someone you feel neutrally towards but don't understand their role in your spiritual work. Based on what you learned in this class, how can you rethink this person’s role in your life? How are they here to help you?
Del pensamiento a la acción: For the next week or two, every time you find yourself questioning the reason for a certain person in your life, pause and practice this mantra “every person in my life is a messenger of the Creator; everyone is here to help me.” Initially, practicing this mantra may not feel authentic; you may not feel what you’re saying right away. Keep practicing it anyway. See how using this mantra affects your perspective over time.
Isaac Luria, who came to be known as The Ari (meaning ‘Lion’ in Hebrew) because of his prodigious capacity for spiritual study and understanding, was a 16th-century kabbalist who delved deeply into the mystical wonders of the Zohar. Commonly considered the father of contemporary Kabbalah, the Ari produced a historic commentary on the Zohar that removed many of its layers of complexity. His teachings created some of the most important kabbalistic ideas and practices used today, including the concept of tikkune, or correction of the soul. In this class, you will get a taste of the Ari’s teachings, focusing specifically on the concept of spiritual processes.
Pregunta: What situation in your life right now do you feel impatient about, feeling it should already be transformed or finished? How can you reframe this situation as a process that has several stages, each stage being important to embrace for the growth of our soul and our ability to move on to the next stage.
Del pensamiento a la acción: For the next week or two, every time you find yourself thinking and feeling like whatever is going on in the present moment is wrong, catch yourself. Practice reminding yourself that whatever is in front of you in the present moment is perfect for your spiritual growth. Instead of rejecting or judging something uncomfortable in the present, start asking yourself – what is this here to teach me? How can I embrace this as part of my process? Notice what shifts take place when you are able to resist judging, avoiding, or rejecting the present moment and instead embrace it fully.