Announcing Our Most Ambitious Global Zohar Project: One Million Zohars
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Announcing Our Most Ambitious Global Zohar Project: One Million Zohars

Centre de la Kabbale
mars 13, 2024
Aimer 3 Commentaires Partager

We invite you to continue to spread the Light of peace, unity, and protection throughout the globe by supporting our most ambitious global Zohar Project to date – One Million Zohars: The Rav Berg Zohar Project. Through this effort, our goal is to spread one million copies of the Zohar worldwide in 2024. Here are 2 ways you can be part of manifesting this mission:

Contribute Towards Printing More Zohars

We’re already 40% of the way towards reaching our goal! With your support, you can help us raise the remaining $3.5 million needed to print the remaining 600,000 Zohars and help us meet the overwhelming global demand for the Zohar.

When you contribute, here’s how your support helps fuel our project’s mission:

  • $5 can reveal 1 Zohar in the world
  • $50 can bring 10 Zohars to new homes
  • $500 can bring 50 Zohars to those ready to receive

Your donations will cover the cost of printing more Zohars, and lowers the cost of distributing one million Zohars worldwide.

Donate to Help Print More Zohars

Participate in Sharing Zohars

As new Zohars are printed, join us in helping to spread them around the world! Through the generosity of our Zohar Project supporters, we can offer these Pinchas Zohars at only the cost of shipping in the US!

Select from the following subsidized options below and enter code ONEMILLIONZOHAR at checkout:


Get 1 pocket-sized Pinchas for yourself or send to another.

Send 1 Free Zohar


Get 10 pocket-sized Pinchas to share with friends, family, or your community.

Secure 10 Zohars to Share


Apply to get a bundle of 50 or 100 to lead a local Zohar Project Outing in your city & community.

Lead A Local Outing

If you live near a local Centre Bookstore, stop by to pick up any of these Zohar bundles for free to share with those in your life!

Please visit here to learn more about the One Million Zohars: The Rav Berg Zohar Project and how you can participate. This is a powerful opportunity for us to join together in helping the world to know and connect to the tool of the Zohar and spread its energy of protection, healing, and peace.
