Aries (Nissan)
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Aries (Nissan)

Centre de la Kabbale
décembre 20, 2012
Aimer 9 Commentaires Partager

Aries is the first of the fire signs and the first sign in both the Lunar and Solar astrological cycles. Even though the Hebrew calendar recognizes Rosh Hashanah as the New Year, Nissan is actually the first month of the calendar year.

Those born under the sign of Aries are typically powerful, energetic, vigorous, pioneering, aggressive, progressive, and domineering. When it comes to fighting, they will do anything to be the winner and the first to hit the target and defeat the enemy.

Historically, the month of Aries marks the Israelite exile from Egypt, the beginning of the journey from slavery to salvation, from bondage to freedom. According to Kabbalah, this month provides us with the cosmic strength to break free of all limitations and bondage of any kind.

Aries allows us to leave behind the personal blockages that prevent us from achieving true freedom in all areas of life. The same energy that was revealed when the Israelite nation left Egypt is revealed every fourteenth day of Aries, when the moon is in full force. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, which allows us to wage war on the conflicts in our own lives. It supports us in infusing the year with the right consciousness in any war zone, whether it is between nations, people, or in the conflict that rages within us on a daily basis – the fight between the desire to receive for the self alone and the desire to share.

The opportunity to redesign our entire year, to implement order instead of chaos, freedom instead of slavery, falls on the fourteenth of Nissan, at the event commonly known as the Pesach Seder. Each one of us has been given the power to utilize this cosmic window and reign victorious in this battle against negativity.

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Guide to the Month of Aries

Assets of a Aries:

Energetic, pioneering, brave, fearless, unlimited thinking, persevering, triumphant, sharing

Main motivation:

Satisfying their desires

Challenges (and how to transform them):

“I am the Centre of the universe”
Be aware of this tendency. Constantly ask yourself, “What is the other person feeling?”

Think before acting. Remember to partner with the Creator, ask for guidance, and know that you are not in this alone.

Makes repetitive mistakes
Foresee the future by learning from the past.

Tells white lies to cover immediate needs
Be honest. It’s better for your ego to hurt now than your soul to suffer later.

Rushes to meet a goal to the detriment of everyone else
It’s not what you do in life that matters most, but how you treat people along the way.

Lacks sensitivity
When you interact with people, imagine you are talking with your own son or daughter (even if you don’t have one.) Treat people with care. Words from the heart penetrate the heart.

Gives with the desire to be recognized
You will receive so much more when you give without expectations.

Easily hurt
Practice letting go of insults and pain. Work on not taking everything personally.

How to Improve Your Relationship with an Aries:

  • Give them as much attention as you can – without wiping yourself out.
  • Validate their feelings.
  • Choose your words and be careful when offering them criticism.
  • Never correct an Aries on the spot - or in front of others.
  • Find a quiet time to talk so they hear what you have to say and feel that your care is genuine.
  • Remind them of past experiences and future consequences, but again, do it with love.
  • Don’t be hurt by their insensitivity. They don’t mean to be mean, and at their core, they are full of love.

How an Aries will find fulfillment:

  • Making maturity a primary goal
  • Listening to messages
  • Being more aware of others’ needs
  • Understanding that selfishness is not an option and anger is useless

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