Astrology for May 2013
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Astrology for May 2013

Yael Yardeni
mai 8, 2013
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So what's happening this month of May?

A lot of planets in the cosmos are in earth! We currently have 4 planets in Taurus, and rising, Pluto and moon in Capricorn which is quite a heavy energy.

Kabbalistically the month of Gemini/Sivan is a light and communicative month. After the roast of the previous month, we feel we weigh a ton! What's the positive mantra of this month: to build! This is an excellent month to organize, put things in order, build new systems and make everything very efficient. The downfall is due to the heaviness, we feel we'd love to stay in bed instead! It' is okay this month to indulge a bit more and think of new hobbies, as long as we stay playful and open to opportunities.

By families of signs:

FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
Not quite in your element this month, you feel a bit like you are walking into glue. But as you know, fire signs need a reality check and that’s a great one: this is the time to see what's working and what's not, hire a new assistant (a new broom is a good broom) and even start planning the year from September! It's also a great month for trips!

Finances: order and order, you'll know exactly what you have and how to male it bear fruit.

Love: time for commitment!  Enough flirting and playing around! Lets walk down that aisle!! Go get a ring or move in together!

EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Finally the cosmos understands you! Don't we need logic and slowliness and organization! The cosmos is a pleasure to your ears this month! Beware of the comfort zone, since the cosmos is favorable to you guys… let's take risks!! You are allowed to be the bull in the china shop, push and make all your dreams happen!

Finances: your commitment is paying, indulge a bit this month and have fun!

Love: its all right but it might feel a bit heavy or boring. Don't wait for your partner to make waves, its YOU that needs to do it.

AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
OMG, whats going on??? This is way too heavy for you guys. Security? Commitment? No way! Actually this is your chance to change your nature, the energy of Taurus that is still present during this time will help you stabilize and anchor yourselves, and you really need it.  Jupiter, the expander is still very favorable to you, but this time around you need to be slower and steadier!

Finances: call an earth sign friend and tell them to operate their magic.

Love: you need a revolution, you need something new and exciting, but maybe its already in your house and you are not seeing it!

WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Although you are in affinity with earth, it seems to you this month that people lost their feelings! It seems all too practical and a even bit cold honestly. No need for panic. What you need is using this time to stabilize your emotions and anchor yourselves.  Take a yoga class or a gardening class. For once, decide to be peaceful and stop the drama. Scorpios, you are still the target of Saturn... learn to smile!

Finances: time to buy a house or relocate.

Love: Jupiter will enter your sign soon. Be patient, it will all turn for the best!

Astrology for May 2013 by the Signs

Aries - Get ready for a lot of movement this month!! Whether your travels take you to a new city or across the ocean... Make sure your bags are packed and your passport is valid so you’re ready for anything! If you still haven’t set a date, you will on May 20th when the Sun enters Gemini and makes you all antsy!

Taurus -  Happy Birthday, Taurus! There's a party in the stars for you guys! All the personal planets will visit your sign this month. Its time to see your achievements. Mars, Venus (your ruler), Mercury and the Sun are all scheduled to enter in your sign this month, which means that you can expect the next four weeks to be harmonious. Don't be too lazy, though.  Think and plan further opportunities!

Gemini - You’ll be feeling like a crazy driver as Mercury your ruler, changes three sign in May! Just when you’ve gotten settled on one course, you'll end up racing in an entirely new direction. Patience, observe carefully the different paths then move forward and understand you are tremendously growing!

Cancer - May is the month you’ll be completely out of yourself You’ve been into your feelings for so long that you’ll be amazed how the world has changed over the last few months. Cancers love the safety and comfort of home, but this May is a time for you to explore two of your other passions: nature and socializing. When Mercury moves into Taurus on May 1, you’ll feel drawn to anchor yourselves.

Leo - You really dislike to wait, and the last three months you've been on hold in a number of areas, but don't worry. May will bring the breakthroughs you’ve been hoping for! With the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus will meet in your 10th house of career and fame this month, exciting changes will await you. If health problems have contributed to your non-movement, you’ll begin to see much improvement in these, too.

Virgo - You’ll love this month as the Sun, Mars, Venus and your ruler Mercury form a positive aspect to your sign this month. There’s no better term for it – you'll have a lot of strength this month! The planets will activate your 9th house of spirituality and higher vision, which means it’s time to take on some spiritual learning!

Libra - May is the month you’ve been waiting for, Libra, for you can finally sit back and relax for a few weeks, before the pace picks up again in June. This is a very good financial phase for you too, for the Sun, Mars, Mercury and your ruler Venus will all orbit through your 8th house of money and tikun. So don't forget, work on yourselves spiritually! And... Share, share, share!

Scorpio - Love is on the menu this month! May will bring matters of the heart foreward: the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all meet in your 7th house of romance. In fact, you may be unable to think of anything BUT love.. Make sure you learn a lot about relationships this month.

Sagittarius - Where’s the party? That's the question you are going to be asking! You’ll be in a celebration mode all month long. Beware of your diet! Be serious as there will be more going on for you than just socializing! Network and start new contacts.

Capricorn - Home is where you’ll be focusing most of your attention for the first half of May. A quick inventory will reveal which areas of your house need repair. Once you’ve evaluated how much you can spend to make things right, the Taurus Sun will have you grabbing your hammer and your credit card and getting to work.Don’t worry: the whole month won’t be full of nothing but improvements of all kinds.

Aquarius - If you build it, they will come. Your willingness to take a leap of faith is about to pay off in a big way this month. An opportunity that occurred in February, will now see the light and get manifested. it’s a great feeling but don't get too comfortable and seize the day.

Pisces - This May make sure you are completely yourselves, no masks. Your ruler Neptune is sitting comfortably in your sign, which means that the heavens are supporting your every move. With the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus hovering between your 2nd and 3rd houses of finance and day-to-day connections, you’re sure to be safe.
