Astrology for the Week of Korach
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Astrology for the Week of Korach

Yael Yardeni
juin 3, 2013
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Another amazing astrological week, filled with opportunities awaits us.

How so? Let's take a look at this week’s chart, which coincides with the Zohar portion and energy of Korach.

Of course, we are usually unmoved by "co-incidences," (as our teachers Rav and Karen Berg would spell it), but a great surprise awaits us this week.

How so?

This week’s chart strangely contains a very strong duality: there are four planets in Gemini (the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of the zodiac) and four planets in Pisces (the double agent). Gemini and Pisces are both signs with a split. Interestingly, this week’s portion, Korach, speaks about a very difficult event, which occurred in the life of Moses, which is known as the machloket, or division.

The story goes that Korach was the very wealthy cousin of Moses. Korach sees all the honors surrounding the leader of Israel. Somewhat spurred on by listening to the complaints of his wife, he decides to take Moses’ place. He takes a large group of men and confronts Moses. This is a very bad idea, considering Moses was chosen by the Light. Furthermore, Moses didn't want to be the leader in the first place. The result is an awful earthquake that swallows Korach and his followers.

Looking at this week’s chart, we actually notice a split. The dominant signs in the chart are double! The astrological challenge is to face our doubts and eliminate them. We do this by ignoring the doubt and split in our souls and making a decision one way or the other!

It’s interesting that Pluto, still in Capricorn, is close to the ascending sign of the chart. Pluto’s energy is about looking inwards and reinventing ourselves. Usually the portion, Korach, occurs towards the end of Gemini and the beginning of Cancer. This is significant kabbalistically, since both Gemini and Cancer are plagued with self-doubts. This portion is the very antidote to these doubts.

Actually, The Zohar expresses something amazing this week, as well—Moses actually doubted himself as a leader when Korach challenged him! He looked inward to see if he was still genuine, or if doubts and ego had already plagued him. This is how we eliminate doubts. We learn in Kabbalah that we must always check our intentions and the purity of our actions. This is the antidote to all chaos. Gemini and Pisces both refuse to go too deep in themselves, out of fear that they will find things they do not like.

There are so many lessons to be learned this week. Here are just a few:

1st - The enemy is within and not outside of ourselves. Moses teaches us to look within and face our truth.

2nd - The minute we are honest and genuine, the Light is with us in any event of division or chaos in our lives

3rd - Denial won't work! The Pisces-Gemini energy that exists within each one of us comes to a head this week. It is the very source of all our divisions!

4th - Only the power of true world unity (the good side of Pisces, symbolized by Moses who was a Pisces himself!) will lead us to victory.

So, my friends, this week go and confess to a friend or a teacher a doubt you have—something not so pretty you have noticed in yourself. Ask them and the Light for assistance in working through it.

And of course, don't forget to scan the antidote for this week, the Zohar portion of Korach!

Have a great week everyone!
