Astrology for the Week of Shmini
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Astrology for the Week of Shmini

Yael Yardeni
avril 1, 2013
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This week we are reading the Zohar portion of Shmini. It's always so amazing to witness how the planets and the whole world are interconnected, how perfect the cosmos is! Every week, the Zohar portion gives us the very antidote to various planetary challenges, as well as the ability to understand and grow in our spiritual work.‬

This week, we are faced with various planetary aspects that will reveal our green-eyed monster. The world’s chart is now packed with many planets in the signs of Aries (Sun, Uranus, Venus and Mars), and Scorpio (Saturn and North node), both of which are under the influence of Mars, the planet of wars (in Hebrew "ma'adim").‬

Simultaneously, planet Saturn, the "I.R.S" of the zodiac, is in retrograde motion in Scorpio, which increases its heaviness on us. Think of a grumpy and annoying I.R.S agent trying to look for mistakes you've made and you'll get the point. Also, the cosmos still carries some planets in Pisces: Mercury (our communication), Chiron and Neptune.‬

The biggest challenge we face in the week ahead:‬ Aggression.

You may find yourself feeling explosive or short-tempered. The strong energy of Pisces can make you grumpy, which can evolve into a strong propensity for "victim dot com" syndrome. Take note, planet Uranus—the rebel and trouble-maker—is very close to the Sun. Traditionally, Uranus rules nuclear energy, revolutions, and terrorism. This is a tough combo since that reactivity is contagious. The entire world is bathing in a very angular and difficult energy!

So what's the lesson for us?

First of all, recognize your green-eyed monster when he rears his ugly head and realize that he is not you. A fun exercise this week will be to carry a small mirror and look at your face when you are angry. Not only is it not a pretty sight, but it doesn’t even look like you!‬

The truth is, we change the world one person at the time. To protect the world from Uranian problems, we must begin with ourselves.‬

There is an amazing lesson in the Shmini portion of the Zohar. It concerns the behavior of Aaron the High Priest and brother of Moses. When he receives the horrible news that his two sons, Nadav and Avihu, have passed away, his reaction is unbelievable: “vayidom Aaron;” he didn't move an inch.‬ He accepted and embraced the situation. Because of his love and acceptance, we later learn that his two sons were reincarnated in Pinchas, and Pinchas became Elijah the prophet, who never died. His love and acceptance teach us that even death can be defeated.‬

This week, we receive the amazing gift of acceptance when the going gets rough, a gift paradoxically found in the sign of Pisces.

Mercury the communicator, Chiron the healer, and Neptune the inspirer are the keys we need this week to rebalance ourselves and accept what we cannot change. We cannot change other people, but we can draw to ourselves the patient and loving energy of Pisces. Needless to say, this isn't the time for a new relationship, or making major life decisions. Introspection is on the menu this week. If conflicts occur—and they will—we need to look for mediators and external helpers. We must ask ourselves: what do I see of myself in this situation?

With a bit of work and plenty of consciousness, this week will give us a big spiritual jump!
