Astrology Forecast for December 8-14, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for December 8-14, 2024

Miriam Ashkenazi
décembre 8, 2024
Aimer 23 Commentaires 6 Partager

“The kabbalists teach that even the most righteous soul can be dragged down by a negative environment…. This is a powerful week to consider your surroundings. There is an energy this week that can assist us in drawing boundaries for ourselves or moving ourselves out of negative environments. The universe will also assist us in finding and creating for ourselves a more positive space.”
– Karen Berg on the portion of Vayishlach

This week activates major fire and air energy. Being in the month of Sagittarius, we are generally influenced by those two elements in a significant way, as Sagittarius is known to be a fire sign with an internal element of air. Air and fire represent a lot of action, movement, motivation, inspiration, curiosity, bluntness, unpredictability, and growth.

In the first part of the week (Monday and Tuesday, 12/9-12/10), the Moon shifts into the sign of Aries, meaning that all week, it comes into powerful and positive connection with other major planets in the air and fire signs. For example, Mars in Leo, Mercury in Sagittarius, and Venus in Aquarius. This unique dynamic will allow us to tap into our higher selves and strengthen parts of ourselves that we might have doubted recently. It encourages us to get outside of our shells and be more authentic and courageous.

During the next part of the week (12/11-12/14), Mercury (which is in retrograde in Sagittarius right now) forms a positive aspect with Mars in Leo. This aspect helps us to better tame the sometimes too intense, combative, and overconfident energies of the fire element. Mercury in retrograde can slow us down. This enables us to take a second look at areas of our lives where we need to ask for another perspective. The goal is to handle certain matters in our lives in a more mature and less reactive manner.

Beware of Venus and Mars in opposition this week—especially when it comes to your relationships and finances. Stay away from power struggles, the need to prove the other side wrong, or any situation where the ego pushes you to end things if they are not going your way.

We end the week with a beautiful conjunction of the Moon in Gemini with Jupiter (12/14). This helps us to move on and gain a higher and more optimistic perspective on every matter in our lives. We’ll be able to embrace the ability to acknowledge that there are many sides to every story, with the tolerance to view everything and everyone around us as a great and positive support towards a higher spiritual purpose.

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