Astrology Forecast for 2014
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Astrology Forecast for 2014

Yael Yardeni
janvier 12, 2014
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Hi everyone! We cannot start a new Gregorian year without a little yearly forecast; the kabbalists always insist on connecting to the bigger picture, so lets see what is expected this year for the whole world!!

Let us start with all the good news!

The first very apparent trend is the wonderful placement of Jupiter in the south and highest point of the chart. Jupiter is in Cancer as we have previously mentioned, and it is considered exalted while placed in that sign, which means that Jupiter( the expander) can function in Cancer to the optimal of his abilities. All the better for our global growth, and, particularly, our global economy. We can expect a general betterment of the world’s economy. It'll be a slow process since Jupiter is in retrograde, however, we can expect to get off the financial treadmill we are all on right now. For our friends in the US, the chart of the USA is Cancer (4th of July!), so the trend will be even stronger.

The second bit of good news is that the world’s chart is very matter of fact this year, with sooo many planets in Capricorn. Globally, people will feel more down to earth, more stable, will return back to real values, and hopefully feel much more encouraged to plan and manifest their visions and dreams! The trend of running after illusions and mirages is finally giving in. It is not rocket science: we need to really work for a living!!

The creative domain of the chart is also very powerful, with strong Neptunian influence (Neptune being in Pisces, the sign he co-rules) which will bring forth many new writers and artists; a very big difference from last year’s lower global inspiration.

Let’s get to our infamous Saturn: in Scorpio, as you all remember! Saturn is creating quite a commotion by bringing to the surface all the financial mistakes that were made in the past. We can expect to hear many "oops" this year about the finances of our rulers, and disappearing money… On a personal note, the key words for this placement is - order and elimination of chaos in our treasury. Painful at first, this will turn into an amazing blessing!

So far so good, let’s take a good look now at the not so bright side.

First, we have to put a lot of thought and energy into our communication, especially on a one to one basis. The house of communication is very strongly Capricorn, with Pluto sitting right there, and Venus, also in Capricorn, but retrograde. It seems that even the internet will not be good enough to round these angles. My advice: explain EVERYTHING, walk the people around you through your thought processes, reach out to them, express yourself as much as you can, and the real people will show up in our lives. Remember, Capricorn energy is for real, and cannot bear any fake attitudes… Be clear and genuine!

The chart’s rising sign is Libra, the energy of partnership, cooperation, and team playing. So far so good… however, Mars (the warrior) is on the chart’s ascendant - oh my, our fuses are really getting short! Let’s take on the regular practice of meditation in our daily lives, and guys, it’s better to walk away from conflicts and try to express yourselves just a little later.

Finally… what about love?? That’s a real reality check! The south node of the chart is in the house of love and relationships!! We will finally understand that love is ….work; real hard work on ourselves! But no worries, the strong Libra energy of the chart will support our quests!

The months that will be a bit more challenging in 2014 are: April, with many many frictions and tensions, especially between nations (we need to really meditate to send energy to the places of conflicts), the end of May, which will be a bit grumpy and heavy, and the fall (end of September especially) is also a bit unstable. The kabbalists teach us that every one of us makes a huge difference in the global balance of the world, so working on ourselves even a little bit will help balance these fragile situations around the globe… So let’s do this!

Now, on a more personal note….

For the cardinal signs (right column), Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn: plenty of changes expected, growth, movements, and new adventures! The cosmos is rocking!

The fixed signs (left column), Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio: definitely not a comfortable year for you guys. Plenty will be learned though! My advice is that if you get stuck on an issue, do not torture yourselves! Simply wait and see. The inspiration will come back shortly.

The mutable signs (central column), Gemini, Virgo,Sagittarius, and Pisces: you are just a bit in a hanging mode. Persevere and push forward towards what you really, really want, and don’t calculate it! Just put your feet (or fins!) on the gas… It'll be moving forward faster than you thought!

Much to think about for 2014, but as the kabbalists expressed a gazillion years ago, time is now accelerating! Let’s aim and shoot, and the cosmos will help us tremendously. Don't forget…. growth,kindness, and optimum communication are our best allies this year!

Wishing all of you a beautiful and inspired 2014!



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