Astrology Forecast for April 13-19, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for April 13-19, 2014

Yael Yardeni
avril 13, 2014
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Hi Everyone! We have a very important week ahead of us since the full moon of Aries occurs Monday, April 14th at dusk. For kabbalists, this is one of the two most important events of the astrological year; it’s the window of time we call Pesach.

I must admit, this year we are in for plenty of preparations and meditations! This time around, the full moon makes everything seem like a war zone. We are all aware of the many difficult events occurring across the globe. The kabbalists teach that it is, in fact, OUR task as human beings to cancel conflicts in the world through meditation and positive behavior. So, we require the help of EVERYONE right now, since the world’s chart is highly unstable.

We’ve talked prior about eclipses and their significance. Right at the full moon of Aries, a blood moon eclipse happens, as well as a difficult astrological aspect called the “grand cross,” which creates a strain in the cosmos. Of course, difficult aspects happen all the time, but these instances occur at the same time, while Mars, the planet of war, joins the party. So…

I suggest everyone take five minutes each morning to send Light towards world peace. Would that be enough? Absolutely! Collective consciousness always works wonders!

Kabbalists explain many secrets about the current time, the month of Aries, and its full moon. They say the many confrontations and conflicts, especially spiritual ones, are decided and cosmically planned for this moment in time, during the month of Aries. Right now, everything is being cosmically arranged and ordered on the level of potential, and that potential will be manifested in six months during the New Year, Rosh Hashanah.

So, at this time, it is extremely important for all of us to strategize properly in order to really receive what we need for the year ahead.

One thing we should focus on right now is isolating any type of unwanted, egotistical behavior in our lives. Basically, we need to ask ourselves, how many times and in what domain did we act selfishly during the whole last astrological year?

Oh my! This is going to look like a volume of Dostoyevsky!

Don't worry. This exercise is not intended to make us all depressed. To the contrary! It is about letting go of some unnecessary baggage.

So, try to determine what makes you act or feel selfish. I call this behavior, "radioactive behavior." Why radioactive? Because it takes a long time to get rid of it, and it’s a really dangerous spiritual behavior!

The trick is to erase the attitude, and immediately replace it with the right behavior. For example: let’s say, someone just said something out of place to me. My normal behavior: scold him! My new behavior: OK, I want to strangle him right now, but it won't change anything. Let me explain patiently what I see.

It’s that simple, we just need to REALLY want to do it, without falling into the trap of thinking, “That's not fair,” “Why me,” or “Let them change!”

This is a month that requires us to have a lot of mercy and compassion, and be thorough. But truthfully, it is in our best interest to change our consciousness and behavior this month—for us and the entire world!

All the tools are in our hands. Let’s do this together!

Have a wonderful holiday filled with love, order, and compassion.


