Astrology Forecast for April 20-26, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for April 20-26, 2014

Yael Yardeni
avril 20, 2014
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Hi Everyone! I hope you guys meditated strongly with us last week, and that everyone managed to place a positive and conscious energy in the cosmos!

This week will start at the tail end of Pesach. In the previous post, we talked about the day of freedom—the eve of Pesach. We still have some cosmic support for freeing ourselves from personal limitations and there are great opportunities awaiting us!

This week's chart opens up with the infamous planet Saturn positioned exactly to the degree at the ascendance of the chart. Guys, we are definitely in for an episode of “Law and Order” this week!

Saturn, the cosmic IRS, is placing us in military alignment right now, and we better be serious about everything we do! Many ancient astrologers called Saturn the “malefic” planet. It really sounds spooky, but the truth is, Saturn is the no-nonsense cosmic guillotine, bringing immediate effects to all of our actions.

So, the first homework assignment is to take whatever you decide to do seriously! Do it like you mean it and be super thorough about everything. Ask why, how come, can we save money on this, etc. (I know many of us are already horrified reading this.)

The second homework task is a lot deeper and will require extra consciousness from us. Since the chart is still very, very martial (four planets in Aries and strong Scorpio at the ascendant, added to Saturn rising) the cosmos is teaching us an important lesson: be less judgmental. This may sound like a total contradiction to what I said before, but Saturn IS the judgment and we don't want to be like Saturn!

Let's face it, bad thoughts happen to good people! How many times do we watch others do or say things, then internally (and sometimes externally!) think, “My gosh! What are they talking about? What is their problem?” On the outside we usually stay composed. However, with Saturn waiting for us at the corner, we need to also learn to control our thoughts better.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that we all are in the midst of some type of process in our lives. Therefore, we are all kind of like a fruit that is not ripe yet. We are still undone, so to speak, and we cannot judge a fruit that is not yet fully mature. This is a metaphor that the founder of The Kabbalah Centre, Rav Ashlag, used many times. I really think that this understanding will do us a lot of good!

After the full moon of Aries, April 14th and 15th, we entered a cosmic time zone called the Omer. Kabbalists throughout the ages have given us many recommendations regarding this particular time. One essential piece of advice is to not create judgment. Choose to see the silver lining, not the darkness. They teach us that Pesach is a very big revelation of Light, and we need to earn that Light during the 49 days following the full moon. That’s why humility and simple kindness are highly recommended during this time of the year, along with a NO JUDGMENT attitude!

On a practical level, happiness is a decision. We want to wake up every day with the deep certainty that we are all in a positive process and on our way towards the Light!

Simple enough (for this week).

Have a great time everyone!


