Astrology Forecast for August 10-16, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for August 10-16, 2014

Yael Yardeni
août 10, 2014
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Hi everyone! Thank God we are finally over the infamous rough Three Weeks, and this week we are entering a much more compassionate zone… phewwww! It was about time.

Believe it or not, an amazing yearly event occurs this week: the kabbalistic Valentine’s Day! The spiritual holiday of love will occur Sunday, August 10th at dusk and all of Monday the 11th. In all the Kabbalah Centres around the world there are beautiful events and connections that day.

This cosmic event always happens during the full Moon of the lunar month of Leo, and it's considered by the kabbalists to be the marriage between the Moon and the Sun! It is said that in ancient times on that day, all the singles would exchange clothes, dress all in white, and walk in the fields to find their soulmates. The exchange of clothes was to remove the illusion of rich or poor, so you wouldn’t know what the status of your soulmate was when you met them; we could use a bit of that certainty today…!

This is great news after three weeks of a grumpy universe.

Let’s discover what the cosmos is telling us this week:

What pops in this week’s chart is the fireworks created by planets in fire signs! Two planets are in Aries, four are in Leo, and the Midheaven is in Sagittarius; discretion is not exactly on the menu this week!

The good side is that such strong fire will play a great role in increasing laughter and joy. It’s a great week for taking every situation with humor. We needed that, since the Pisces water ascendant of the chart can have us taking things too personally!

This week, a very important leap of faith has to be taken. We have to use the current cosmic energies to shake out any limited thinking and pettiness. Many of the arguments we have with others are about "meeeeee.” “They did not speak to me nicely enough, I didn’t get the respect I deserved, I am not appreciated….” And we'd rather walk away than to address it!

Do any of us know of a bank that will lend us money without a bank account and guarantee? I don’t think so! If we want love and appreciation, the cosmic law is that we have to give it away first! It’s like a love deposit, and the minute we are in credit, much love will come back to us with interest!

How to do it? First, this week is all about love - simple appreciation, small positive gestures, and going a bit out of our way to give care to others. In other words: love is on the agenda!

Second, let’s create a list of all the people we love and care for. What will we discover? That there really are many of them, and the list will constantly be increasing!

Third, guys, let’s get out of our own way this week and draw more love into our lives!

Let’s dress up with bright colors, buy flowers, shine our Light, smile to everyone - including the grumps, give way to people at the supermarket, and be like the sun: rise and shine!

In short, we want to run the nicest race on the planet this week - the love race - and continue spreading love and kindness everywhere we go. And remember... stay open to lovely surprises of the heart!

Have a fantastic week!

Love and Light,

