Astrology Forecast for August 11 - 17, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for August 11 - 17, 2013

Yael Yardeni
août 11, 2013
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Hi everyone! So what's happening this week? We are right at the beginning of the lunar month of Virgo, called Elul. Much has been written kabbalistically about this very key month in the cosmic year. Virgo always precedes the new cosmic year, and therefore, is destined to be a kind of a laundromat, cleansing our souls right before they get recharged for the New Year. And as you may have guessed, this has the power to show us things that we usually cannot see.

The sign of Virgo is infamous for seeing the unseen along with all the very small details. As a matter of fact, we find a lot of OCD in the Virgo family. The kabbalists teach that everything has a purpose in the universe; nothing has been created in vain. The ability to see too much actually comes in very handy at this precise time of the year. We need to effectively use this powerful gift.

Here is a wonderful suggestion to give all of us a great spiritual jump:

Make a list of all your characteristics and traits. Decide which ones are truly blocking you from being happier, lighter, and more giving. Chances are one trait will be bolder than the others. That’s your focus for the next 3 weeks. The first step is always recognition—recognizing the situations or circumstances that make this trait stronger.

For example, if you struggle with insecurity and really want to get rid of this trait, the first step is to recognize the circumstances that make this trait emerge. Let’s say you have been invited to a birthday party and feel a bit underdressed or not quite ready. This is when the trait will pop up. So what are you to do? Act the exact opposite of how you feel! Do not believe your feelings; they are not reliable! You must "fake it ‘til you make it."

Then, in the coming weeks, really seek the true cause underneath this behavior. Trust me, the cosmos will, in a very Virgo way, point to the seed level of this trait. It can be insecurity, but it also may be a lack of sensitivity. Whatever it might be, stay open for all realizations and conclusions.

Let's gaze closely at this week's chart, as we always do… The week will start with a moon in Libra, which is about justice and balance. Venus is in Virgo becoming the magnifying glass, and a very strong 4th house, for personal work. That’s what I call true cosmic support! Uranus is in the 1st astrological house, to help us make changes.

But the truest blessing of this week is finding ourselves, as our teachers, Rav and Karen Berg, call it, more in sync with our souls. The real way to tap in is to wash and scrub away all the illusions of emotions. Since we still have the water trine in the cosmic chart, we will be able to gaze into our souls in a much more genuine way.

All in all, it’s a week to go to war against our negativity without fear. Since Mercury rules Virgo and is such a fast planet, all the changes we make in the upcoming 3 weeks will be quick and efficient, just like the sign—although, I can't guarantee completely painless!

Have a wonderful week!

