Astrology Forecast for August 17-23, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for August 17-23, 2014

Yael Yardeni
août 15, 2014
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Hi everyone! This week, a brand new marathon is starting… Yay! It does not seem that the cosmos ever rests, does it?

This race will lead us all the way to the cosmic New Year, or the New Moon of Libra, which is called Rosh Hashanah (literally: head of the year) in Kabbalah.

From a kabbalistic viewpoint, there are 7 weeks between the 9th of Av (remember, it is THE most challenging day of the year!) and Rosh Hashanah. During this time, we are preparing ourselves spiritually, emotionally, and physically - both to clean ourselves up and to recreate ourselves with brand new Light and energy for the year ahead.

Metaphorically speaking, our soul is like a rechargeable battery. The time to charge it again is during the 2 days of the cosmic New Year. During those 2 days, most of us will receive energy for the entire year to come, while some of us, unfortunately, will get recharged only for a shorter time.

In order for the recharge to be maximized, we have to use the 7 weeks to cleanse and prepare a new "me," a new vessel (as the kabbalists would say), so that we can get a much stronger energy for the next year.

So….What's the chart of this week like?

First of all, we have 7 fire planets… oh my, the cosmos is on fire! The rising of the chart is Aries, followed by Uranus, the trouble maker (who will stay in Aries until 2019), then the south node of the Moon, as well.

Aries and Leo together!? My friends, let’s hold back our horses; this is a great recipe for trouble finding and trouble making!!

As if everything I said so far ever sounded boring, here is more - Saturn is still in Scorpio and is slowly coming closer to Mars in Scorpio. They will join forces on August 25th. On a positive note, Saturn will give more power and direction to Mars, which is great for spiritual work: both planets are located in the 8th astrological house (the one of life and death, and our transformational path), the house of Scorpio! This is definitely a great position for a re-creation of the self. However, in traditional astrology, both stars are called "the malefic" ones!

I must admit that this week's chart totally feels like a Harry Potter movie: Harry vs. Voldemort!

On the one hand, the cosmos is showing us everything that isn’t working for both us and others, and showing the true agendas of the people around us…masks are slowly falling off, and it may feel for some of us like a tough awakening. OMG, how come we didn’t see this coming?!

Many belief systems about people, life in general, and the meaning of our lives need to collapse, and brand new ones need to be slowly implemented. But, no worries….we have until Rosh Hashanah to do so.

On the other hand, in the middle of this week, the Moon which is currently in Aries will progress into Taurus (Taurus is the life force, the opposite of Scorpio), and it will bring to our attention all that we have and is good, and to all that needs to be built and solidified.

This week really feels like a battle between good and evil.

Since the Moon is in opposition first to Mars then to Saturn in Scorpio, it is giving us strength for a new beginning. We need to be patient and stay with it.

So, what to do?

Simply draw conclusions. Start writing them down -what worked, what did not work, what was fake, what was real. Ideas on how to rebuild will be slowly coming to us, too, and we will feel like the Great Architect of our own life!

On a more universal note, we need everyone's good energies and meditations to cancel bloodshed all around the globe. Uranus so close to the ascendant created upheavals everywhere.

The good needs to be empowered. Remember, every positive action we do affects the whole universe. When we detach from wrong situations or people, we free all the good that exists in us!!

Phewww… that’s quite a start for our 7 weeks!

Remember this famous quote:

"You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in victory.” - J Donald Walters

Victory it is!!

Have a great transformative week.

