Astrology Forecast for August 18 - 24, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for August 18 - 24, 2013

Yael Yardeni
août 19, 2013
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Hi everyone! Our marathon for regeneration and change is in full blast as we attack the 2nd week of the lunar month of Virgo, called Elul.

Oh boy, are changes accelerating this week! The world’s chart has Uranus, the revolutionary, glued to the ascending in Aries. It feels like we are stepping right into the fire!

The week will start with the moon in Capricorn, which happens to be extremely reflective and hermit-like. We feel the need to freeze for a moment, go on a retreat, and think stuff through instead of going to a pub with friends and having fun.

What is the quality of a Capricorn moon? You guessed it! Pinpointing everything that may ruin your life. Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, are both considered the cosmic IRS. You'll find that people with a Capricorn moon have a tendency to scream fire and brimstone during many situations. (No offense guys—we really have to laugh at ourselves this week!)

This week's Zohar portion is no exception. Ki tavo is all about the worst things that could happen if we do not understand the law of cause and effect. What does that mean? What law of cause and effect?

Kabbalists ask, who is called a true, wise man? The answer: those who can foresee the future. And trust me, they don't mean we need to rush out to buy a crystal ball! The point is we are smart enough to know what consequences will follow many of our actions. But we tell ourselves, I want everything right now! I'll deal with the future later! In a way, we are all a little Aries-like when we decide to live in the NOW.

The important concept to understand is that we can no longer afford this behavior, since we are trying to build the WHOLE new year ahead. Remember, in two weeks we’ll have our yearly reboot, Rosh Hashanah.

So what's our plan of attack?

The cosmos is allowing us this week to clearly see, feel, and understand the consequences of many of our actions. Since humankind was given free will, the effects of many of our behaviors are only seen long after the fact.

Say you robbed a bank 15 years ago. For a while everything went well but now, life is showing signs of chaos: your spouse is cheating on you, money is disappearing from your account, etc. Since you created this chaos a very long time ago, it may be hard to connect the dots. Kabbalists urge us to imagine a world where every thief’s hand would immediately fall off after his crime. Would anyone steal? Of course not! Who wants to lose a hand? Since this world was created under the attribute of mercy, we are given TIME—a precious currency to change ourselves for the better.

Guys, time starts to run out this week. Let's face it—we need a serious change in some domain of our lives right now. And guess what, whatever we decide to change this week, we will! The change will occur and it will last. Jupiter in the 4th house is supporting every growth, expansion, and spiritual change we are willing to make. Furthermore, Mars, the fuel of the chart, will deliver the energy we need this week to achieve these changes.

So, let's go! Let's do this! Soon we will start to feel as light as a feather and as unlimited as a flying bird!

Have a wonderful week!


