Astrology Forecast for August 25-31, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for August 25-31, 2013

Yael Yardeni
août 25, 2013
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Hi everyone! Another amazing week is ahead of us. The new cosmic year is close and we can surely feel it!

This week, a very important topic comes to light. All of us have moments of great clarity and strength when we think, Wow, I get it! I know what I need to do. That's it, I am making a resolution, no more cigarettes, gluten, sugar, partying… At the time it feels so right. We feel we can conquer everything. But then, a few days, a week, a month passes by and the clarity and certainty we had dissipates, eventually disappearing.

The kabbalists teach us something amazing—the minute we make such a decision, the Light sends us all the energy needed to fulfill it. It happens immediately! From this we learn how close, in fact, the Light is to us. The cosmos is always our partner in every decision we make. The law of certainty always works, for better and for worse.

Now, when our certainty dissipates, what happens to the energy we got when we decided to change? Well, it gets kind of stuck and creates cosmic knots that can block further decisions. All the promises we make and do not keep turn against us in the end.

So this week, our mission is to review all the great resolutions we’ve made and never fulfilled. And believe me, there are a lot of them! This week is about freeing ourselves, and literally erasing all unfinished business, actions, or promises. On a practical level, we need to face a buddy of ours and say to them, “Look, I need help in quitting cigarettes or…” We need to open up Pandora’s box in order to change. It takes humility to recognize that we need extra help to change.

The great news is that Mercury, this month’s ruler in the lunar month of Virgo, acts very much like mercury, the element—quick, sharp, and efficient. We need to take advantage of the cosmic energies available since the week’s chart is packed with Pisces energy, but remains strongly fueled by fire planets. Imagine it as a big steam room for thoughts and realizations.

What we need more than anything is to increase our desire. As our teachers Rav and Karen Berg always tell us, it's not a matter of will-power, it's a matter of DESIRE. How badly do you want it? How great is your desire to change? This week’s cosmic boiler room should be good enough to fuel a much greater desire, after all the watery charts that we've been through for weeks!

Feel the fire burning! Tap into the humility of Pisces and ask for help, so we can enter our own promised land, the one of our greater potential!

Have an amazing, heated week everyone!


