Astrology Forecast for August 31 - September 6, 2014
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Astrology Forecast for August 31 - September 6, 2014

Yael Yardeni
août 31, 2014
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Hi everyone! Welcome to a brand new week in our self-building spree before Rosh Hashanah! After all, who wouldn’t want a brand new vessel and soul ASAP!?

So, let’s gaze at this week's chart and find out quickly how literal the cosmos can be…

This week starts with a Moon in inquisitive Scorpio, followed by Saturn and Mars, 3 planets in Virgo, and planet Uranus - the zodiac black sheep - exactly at the chart’s ascendant.

Talk about the opposite of a peaceful week; this is looking more like a war zone, externally and internally!! The cosmos has decided to remove its velvet gloves and let us see the whole truth about pretty much everything… ourselves included!

So, guys, no need for a magnifier. It seems things are likely to be amplified to biblical proportions this week - every small action is put under cosmic scrutiny! The universe is watching and commenting on every word we say and every move we make (as the song goes!).

So, what is our tool kit for this week?

Rule number 1: Get prepared to hear the whole truth, and put a bullet proof vest on: nothing we hear about ourselves has to be taken too personally. The Light is on our side, even if it feels awfully like the opposite! We are NOT our negativity; remember, when we say WE, it’s our souls we are talking about!

Imagine for a moment that we are wearing a very filthy garment that really really stinks. Would we prefer to keep it on, or to remove it? Wouldn’t we rather look for a friend to tell us: "Look, my dear, you have to change these clothes; their smell is unbearable!"?

The reason why we don’t smell it on ourselves is because we are so used to it that it does not bother us anymore. It’s a bit like living in a zoo!

Remember, the first step in spiritual work is always the recognition of what we need to change. Rav Ashlag, the founder of The Centre, explains it very clearly in many of his works.

Rule number 2: We need to make sure to twist our tongue 7 times in our mouth before saying anything this week!!

Remember, the cosmos is currently at war. Anything we say will come out like a real guillotine, AND will be held against us in the upper court of law! We've just been

Rule number 3: Let's be truly open to changes…

…Especially our friends the earth signs! Many recurrent patterns are likely to emerge this week, like things we thought we were sooo over with, but truly and deeply weren’t. Uranus, our agent of change, is in the 1st astrological house, and that’s what we call true cosmic support! Uranus helps our transformation by cutting off everything that doesn’t work, whether we like it or not!

The truest blessing of this week is the removal of masks and layers, which will enable us to be a lot more in sync with our soul, as our teachers the Rav and Karen Berg call it.

This week, we are looking for transparency.

Let’s be real and let’s be genuine, recognizing our flaws without big drama; to the contrary, we would like to be forthcoming with them. Take counsel from a good friend, ask for the truth, hear what they have to say…. and take it like a man!

This week is a very big stepping stone in our spiritual growth, so let’s make sure we are not missing the train!

Have a great transformational week!


