Astrology Forecast for August 4 - 10, 2013
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Astrology Forecast for August 4 - 10, 2013

Yael Yardeni
août 5, 2013
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Hi everyone! We are getting closer and closer to the energy of Rosh Hashanah, the cosmic New Year, and it really feels that way! Another beginning, another life reboot is around the corner.

This week and all weeks leading up to the Rosh Hashanah are designed to get us to work on different areas of our lives—big time!

So let’s examine what’s going on this week… There is a very strange phenomenon: this week’s chart has no air at all! Contrary to any other week, the element of air is nonexistant in the world. No air = no words = no communication.

OMG, what does this mean?

As you will see, week after week, the cosmos has a great sense of humor. This week’s portion and energy is about putting "guards and policemen" next to our tongues. You guessed it, the Zohar portion speaks about gossips, rumors, and evil tongue—all the different cosmic laws of speech.

Our teacher, Karen Berg, often reminds us that we are very careful about what goes into our mouths, like nutritious foods, but what comes out of it, not so much.

This week, we are all learning the power of silence. In kabbalistic tradition, silence holds a lot of power. Notice this pattern: most of us try to fill up gaps in conversations; as soon as conversations stops, we feel weird, like we need to say something. It’s like silence somehow is awkward. We think of silence as equivalent in our minds to emptiness, and try to cover it up by speaking way too much.

Let's try an experiment this week: listen to a conversation attentively, look at all parties in the eyes, feeling them and better connecting to their energies. Then say nothing.

Something strange will occur. You'll discover respect of yourself and others.

When we learn to stay silent, we will also discover more about people that we did not see before because we were too busy with internal and external chatter.

The Ari, Rav Isaac Luria, a famous kabbalist of the 16th century, teaches us something amazing. He says each of us is given a certain number of words to use in our lifetime. The minute we reach that number, our soul is free to transit, meaning we could just potentially drop dead!

That’s a really scary thought, isn't it? A thought that could change our consciousness.

The Ari also explains that words of wisdom are not part of our global count of words. Meaning, as long as we speak wise words, and share positive, enlightening information, we can keep on talking.

Empty speech literally drains our life energy (you guys already know this). How many times have we talked to someone and later felt totally drained? Our soul knows this information; we just need to connect better to our inner selves.

The second point this week is really hard to do…are you ready for this?

The exercise is as follows: someone comes to you and says he or she is unhappy about something (this happens a thousand times a day). Instead of arguing, explaining, begging, getting upset, etc., try looking them square in the eyes and say…NOTHING.

The results are absolutely amazing! You guys have to try it for yourselves.

Globally, the consciousness of this week is to feel more (9 water planets still) and talk less. And when we do talk, we need to make sure we are trying to share words of wisdom. This is the best way to reach a higher level of consciousness just as the energy of the cosmic New Year starts entering the cosmos.

Do the homework and share your experiences with us in the comments below. Next year we will be better people than the years before!

Have a lovely and silent week!


